It's probably the most tiring transferring experience ever so far in my life that I fell asleep even before taking off!
Yep, I wondered why the flight attendant didn't wake me up and request me straightening my seat but that's when we already left the states of America.
I watched the movie "Just go with it" for free of course.
Everything on the flight from the flight attendant to annoying kids reminded me of Taiwan.
And I was able to just go with them i.e. sleeping all the way.
After a soft landing, here comes my home country I've been leaving for almost an year!
Where's the free wifi service in the airport though, I wondered.
It's been quite a while since I left: some new routes of the airport bus service and like most western visitors do: scared by the hasty drivers!
Arriving back at home, it's not a pleasant fact to discover all my stuff had been moved; my sister committed a room exchange without my help, not a model example for independence either!
After having fruits and dumplings as my first meal in Taiwan, I went to NTU thanks to my friend's ride.
As it's already six years from the day I enrolled in NTU, it's not surprising yet still a bit sentimental unable to meet anyone in campus.
Well, a friend of mine did make a phone call, asking me to pay off a hundred bucks I borrowed before......
Then I rode my motorcycle home, a little bit clumsy as it's almost an year since the last time I gave it a ride but still made a safe way home; the sweating weather is actually my biggest concern now....:s
Liang, my friend from Hong Kong, called me after lunch; he's going to start his bicycle tour recently and I'm more than happy to be his first host!
As Mom's much more a hospitable person than me, it's not surprising at all that we're gonna have a big dinner tonight!
老媽買了一堆東西回來,拼裝晚餐很豐盛 :P
Despite the annoying rain we had tonight, we went to a mobile store to figure how the data plans work; it actually works pretty well as long as dialed the right way while there isn't any plan that attracts me.....I simply can't understand why surfing 3G is sooooo expensive in Taiwan..:s
話說Ipad2 data plan最便宜的要755還要拿台灣購買發票給他看....有點白癡
There are simply so many things on the to do list tonight; in addition to my own troubles, I wonder if Liang can still go on his bike tour as the rain keeps raining the whole night!
三點了不覺得累反而是覺得肚子餓.....該說是華航教的好嗎...? 囧
Went to bed at 4 in the morning, it's a miracle I still woke up after 4 hours.
However, the pouring rain outside still made me late for the appointment with my eye doctor.
After waiting for more than 2 hrs, it's finally my turn.
My junior high school friend Hoshino Yoshie and I hang out at northeast coast in the afternoon after realizing that neither of us will have fun shopping.
Time flies that not only the scenes at white-sand bay had changed, the road there seemed less familiar to me as well!
Well, my strength in having fun did stay as before though!
Chatted with Dou for half an hour; this should be the last time you shed tears for me!
Another night sleeping less than 3 hrs; somehow I bring the pre-exam mode back to Taiwan huh?
I went to the basketball competition between NTUCE students in different years.
As an imported foreign player, I think I played okay even though I haven't outdoors for an year and I'm not even wearing my own shoes!
I couldn't join the semi-final game as my high school classmate Vanessa's wedding is next in the afternoon!
It's always a good thing having a friend getting married, especially when she thoughtfully arranged you sitting next to her beautiful friend.....I guess it would be much more awkward if she were my girlfriend ten months rather than ten years ago.....:s
I seemed to played a bit too hard today that I fell asleep on the massage chair after arriving home.....
I slept a bit longer today, still waking up before 9 though...never enjoy jet lag so much before..@@
It's been even longer since the last time I visited SSSH, the senior high school I attended.
Then I went to NTU, signing up an agreement that I'll come back to Taiwan for the mandatory military service after completing my master degree.
I went to an all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu restaurant for lunch with my classmates in SSSH.
I kept overturning plates and bows throughout the meal but surprisingly our servers today were as nice as my friends that we still enjoyed the meal very much!
Went to Taipei city hall, where Mom works, and signed another agreement....I feel like selling myself!
The high temperature again brought me down on the massage chair after I arrived home.
Went to the hospital for annual health check; make it even quicker this year as I have a date later!
Well, girls always keep guys waiting and today is of no exception; I tried to use the wifi but wasn't able to log in....I missed the free wifi in the states...:s
My companion today is Yaya, my cute senior classmate in SSSH.
We went to small towns in mountains of northern Taiwan.
Lots of local snacks and souvenirs actually didn't cost much but brought us tons of fun.
After having dinner at the night market near my place, we went to Yang-Ming-Shan national park to enjoy the night view and continue chatting.
It's already midnight when I I went to bed; the earliest record after arriving back at Taiwan!
After having lunch and some further chatting with Yaya, I had my hair cut after a long line; having long hair is totally not a good idea in hot countries like Taiwan!
Thanks to Benjamin, I don't have to have my first dinner in Taiwan alone.
Then I went to his office, meeting Roger and his girlfriend, who happened to go to the same physics cram school with me in senior high on the way; what a small world!
Benjamin's office is also comfortable, maybe it's the universal strategy from the professors to keep their students in the lab; this can't guarantee the working efficiency though........
Back at home and chatted with Noriko on Skype; she's going to pursue her master degree in MIT and was successfully admitted!
Congrats and good job girl!
I guess the ground servant of China airline didn't send out my keys at all; breaking one's promise is much easier than building it, I'll say.
鑰匙根本就沒寄吧.....現在對華航的印象又不好了 = =
I thought about cleaning my room but I kept falling asleep; I guess I had too much fun last night!
First day of July, the first thing to do is to get my laptop checked before the warranty expires.
After a quick update, now it goes much faster!
We had a farewell party for graduating students near NTU at noon; thanks to the thoughtful junior classmates from SSSH!
I planned to get things regarding study abroad done but the person in charge took her day of today.
I went to have my motorcycle checked in the afternoon instead, costing me another 600 bucks; of course it does work better afterward.
After taking a short rest, I had dinner together with my classmates in senior high.
We always have endless chatting but tonight our conversation kept being interrupted as I went to the lavatory every now and then; I guess there's sth wrong with the food.... ;s
Apparently not a good 600 deal@
It's already 11 PM when we finished; luckily I was still able to catch a bus home.
Tired with the slow net speed, I guess it's time to bed!
Woke up early to catch the train to Taichung as the first ALCer's wedding is this Sunday!
I still can't figure out why but the elder lady sitting between us just wouldn't exchange her seat with us, leaving one seat empty and me standing on the aisle for the two hour trip!
We hanged out and had lots of fun as if back in the summer of 2008 at Stanford yet this time in central Taiwan.
After leaving our baggages in the hotel right across the street from the train station, we had our lunch at the famous hot pot restaurant.
We also tried the tea store stemmed from this city.
Speaking of beautiful campus, Tunghai university is always top in the ranking.
Feng Chia night market, one of the biggest and most famous night markets in taiwan, is already crowded even though it's just 3 in the afternoon!
We first played some games in the arcade since we were still a bit full.
Then we continued our journey of food and returned to our room with beer and local souvenirs.
The apps on my iPad is fun but truth or dare is much more exciting when friends get together; We truly appreciate Flora's affair that marked the highlight tonight!
tap tap & bang好玩不過真心話更精彩,感謝&恭喜Flora救援,
Sleep over is another tradition for ALC gathering; the only problem we squeezed ten people, originally devided in two rooms into one!
Yes, gentlemen like me will lie on the floor and leave the bed and the couches for the
ladies in this condition and I'm of no exception!
混到快四點又是個全員sleep over,補個日記轉眼之間快五點了趕快來睡一下。只是沙發很小,真男人只好去睡地板。
Woke up early, taking a shower but got wet again after walking a while in the burning sun.
Being held at the most famous hotel around sun-moon lake, Wen's wedding is not only the most luxurious one but also the youngest ever, both the newest couple and their guests; actually it feels more like a graduating party to me but thanks and congrats anyway!
After having the meal, which was actually below my expectation, it's picture time AGAIN yet this time with the new couple and I have to "like" how convenient it is to share photos through my iPad!
All in all, best appreciation and best wishes to this lovely couple!
Chatted with Amber and also took some rest on the way home.
Felt tired and there's no Internet home, guess I should go to bed!
Now it gets rush again as I was told I'll have do all the paperwork by myself again today, basically 5 days before my heading to the States again....... got to gear up!
After working for the entire day, I successfully completed and handed in all the forms in time; still annoyed by this boring routine though.
My sister is moving back home after enjoying her own space and suffering from the rent for several months; still can't figure out why she bought even more things than I did!
晚上去幫姊姊搬家,哪裡買來這麼多東西啊....= =?
Got the discounted flight ticket after arriving home, can't wait to continue exploring the States!
As the date returning to the states is approaching, the jet lag effect also fade off gradually.
Sleep until 10:30.
Went to momo Paradise, an all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu restaurant which I always feel full earlier than I thought, for lunch with my classmates in college.
Overwhelmed in the iPad tapping game, I had no choice but to find my esteem back through real basketball combat.
tap tap狂輸好崩潰,只好靠籃球贏回一點自尊,
Woops.... I forgot to apply the credit exchange before the office closes..... :s
忘了去辦學分抵免了= =
Woke up early to school but spent too much time on the net that I still missed the best timing to visit the office.
Kept surfing the net until dinner; thanks to my pretty companion tonight!
Discovered another great way to use my iPad: as a drawing board; now e-signature is easy for me.
Realize my mouse was just out of battery rather than out of order; shouldn't have get a new one so quickly.... :s
Again sleep late until 10:30.
Just when I was about to leave home, my Hongkongese friend called to report their returning from bicycle trip around the island, not really completed but still pretty admirable.
Then I went to another all-you-can-eat restaurant for lunch, this time with my mom though.
It's really inconvenient not having Internet at home....
Went to the doctors and get my contacts back, started feeling discomfort however.....
And that kept me on the toilet for most of the rest of the day in the toilet..... miserable....!
- Jul 09 Sat 2011 09:50
2011 summer @Taiwan