目前分類:Words inside - 有*時*想* (39)

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咖摸 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

My grandma passed away this afternoon.

It's not that sudden to me since her condition has been pretty bad since last year.

I've heard that she's getting worse two days ago actually but I chose not to go see her then since I'm still afraid.

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My pet parrot flew away due to my father's being careless even though I had reminded him thousands of times!

I shouted at my family even though I didn't want to.

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  • Sep 05 Sat 2009 23:59
  • Accept

The world seems so complicated and strange to me.

The relationship between people is beyond imagination and comprehension.


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亦舒說: 無論怎麼樣,一個人借故墮落總是不值得原諒的,越是沒有人愛,越要愛自己。

One is worthless to be forgiven on degenerating himself, no matter what the reason is.

Love yourself more when no one else does.

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The link of the quiz: http://mindtest.hacomusic.com/

So sad it has Chinese version only.....

Personally I think the result is pretty much correct.

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The latest situation is that some professor in NTU Politics department started another protest against the law concerning the regulation of people's right of gathering together or having a parade.

They think there're too many restrictions and the police were invading the basic rights of civilians.

In stead of a noisy parade or violent protest movement, they simply sat in front of the Executive Yuan to express their opposition against the police action nowadays.

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There are just so many political events occuring nowadays.

In the states, without much surprise, Obama successfully become the 44th presidents of USA, meanwhile the first black president.

It's another milestone to the Democracy.

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To a special girl.

One girl that really makes a difference to my life and value.

From what time I don't believe in love?

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It's Set.21,2008 today.

Nine years ago there was a huge and severe earthquake that stoke Taiwan,which killed 2000 people, having a great impact to Taiwan.

Time strikes so fast, I remember I was in the sixth year of elementary school then.

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  • Sep 18 Thu 2008 12:11
  • regret

If I had enough sleep last night or during the afternoon

If I choose another time or route to go home

If I didn't go out the first after the count down

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咖摸 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I think

it's friendship

despite, sometimes u may find it truely weak

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as title


幹麻花自己那麼多的精神時間 最後還要搞到快要撕破臉

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我想阿.. 應該要常常思考這個問題


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  • Mar 08 Sat 2008 00:29
  • 錯過




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