目前分類:2008 summer 8day scooter tour 摩托車環島八日記 @Taiwan (8)

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We stayed up late yesterday, especially me.

I stayed up late until about three o’clock since I can use internet again tonight~ XD.

I’m a real otaku!

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After quickly packing the luggage,

we left Kuokeng. Then we arrived Changhua. We went to Baguashan(in Chinese, Bagua means Eight Trigrams (a set of symbolic signs created in ancient China, can be used for fortune tell ) )

There’s a big sculpture of Buddhist and somewhere where we can have a nice view of Changhua city.

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We were woken up by the host of the boarding house @ 04:00 this morning to watch the sunrise.

another tough challenge for people like us who brought only a few clothes!

And we took the train to get to the peak of a hill so that we can have a better view of sunrise.

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It’s another rush journal today.

On the morning, we successfully persuade our newly joined teammate to go with us rather than go to Penghu, basically by playing the famous game-.PAPER, SCISSORS, STONE.

And after I finished choosing my classes next semester, we started riding another long journey.

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Today we started from Kenting, heading toward Kaohsiung.

We left kenting, the tropical paradise of southern Taiwan.

Then it’s the routine of riding a long way,

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This morning we have soup dumpling as breakfast. And it’s really good, much better than the one we had @ Hualian night market, where there were a long line waiting to buy it= =. On the trip heading south, there’s an interesting signboard- but only I think only Taiwanese people can understand the funny point. It has something to do with pronunciation and Mandarin. We had lunch at a well-known restaurant called classroom 309 near Kenting, which coincidentally is also the same class I was in when I was in senior high. But food here is really expensive and just a little bit delicious- pretty like another famous restaurant at the back door of NTU-basically u paid most of ur money for gimmick stunts rather than delicious food. And then we went snorkeling, it’s my first time to snorkeling, so I spent some time to get used to the way to breath underwater through the tube. Then I could enjoy the gorgeous underwater view of the tropical beach of Kenting. The beautiful coral and sea animals. It’s the second time that I feel very regret that I should have brought a water proof camera. Then we took a speedboat to the outer part of ocean, where we took a banana-shaped boat, which is towed by the speedboat. And we can enjoy the speed and the bumping when riding in a high speed on the banana boat on the ocean. And finally they just threw us all into the sea. The sea water is really freezing! And then we went to the south bay of Kenting, which is a beautiful beach. However, it’s not fun at all to go to the beach with four boys. And then we went playing go kart. It’s kind of small racing vehicle. However, the one we play here is not only little fun due to the poor vehicle but the owner of this court is also annoying. Then we went to Guanshan to watch the sunset, despite there’s just no sunset. So we just recorded our feeling toward this trip. Then we went playing another go kart. This time is just much better! The vehicle and the court is all much better. And we definitely had a good time and had a exciting competition. However, due to the competitive racing and some collision, we got some burise. Then we went to the main street of Kenting, doing some shopping and buying souvenir. What I want to mentioned here is that there are just so many beautiful girls dressing up beautifully here >\\\<. and i was so tired that when returned to the boarding house fell asleep immediately without wearing my contact.></.>

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We woke up @ seven today because we will go rowing a boat today,

and I just found that we live across to the elementary school famous for its glorious baseball history in the past!

it's the real honor of Taiwan!

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It's the first day in September, three days after I came back from the U.S. Still in the excitement of the ALC program, I decided to go on a motorcycle tour with my friends- four of us ride the same type of motorcycle. And I was late again today due to the fact that there are just too many things left to do after I came back from the U.S. As a result, I was late for the meeting @ 08:40. What's more, I forgot to leave the remote control of the garage. And I just find that the credit card I use to pay the fuel just expired. Anyway, our eight days motorcycle trip around Taiwan started @09:30, Sep 1st. We started from Xindian and took lane no. 9 to Ilan, Hualien. Due to the fact that we often ride our scooters to Ilan, we didn’t take many pictures on the way. However, when taking pictures, I have to set the timer and rush next to my bike to be in the picture-10 seconds. During the day, this thing keeps on happening. Maybe most of my energy was consumed due to this reason. After we arrived Ilan, we directly headed to a motorcycle store to fix my friends bike- the master here has good skill~! We went to the “last” local fast food “chain” store to have lunch in Ilan, poor service and expensive but not very delicious food- maybe that’s why it’s the only chain store last. Then we headed to Hualian, however, we had a little car accident here due to the crazy traffic light- the light keeps on changing! And since a heavy rain in the afternoon and mud on the road, one of my friends fell due to the sudden break attempt. But we had worn protective equipment so that he just got little injury. And we had brought emergency box containing medicine and emergency cure. And the next following few miles was really hard! The surface of the road is poor! And some of the turns are challenging. What’s more, at one place the road is even closed and only opened 15 minutes each hour. So we met many other people who are also traveling around the Island and we took picture together. Finally the road was opened, so we could keep on going. Then we went to TAROKO Nation Park but we didn’t get inside. Due to the delay of starting and accident halfway, we just took picture outside the park rather getting inside since we were running out of time. And we had dinner @ night market in Hualian. but the steamed bun is not that good, didn't fit my expect since there were just so many people waiting in line there. After dinner, we kept on riding, road here are so straight, and I think maybe we are the only ones that go under speed limit! Everyone drove so fast here. Finally we reached the place here today. After taking hot spring relaxing, we just went to bed because we were really tired due to we had ridden 300 km today!

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