It’s another rush journal today.

On the morning, we successfully persuade our newly joined teammate to go with us rather than go to Penghu, basically by playing the famous game-.PAPER, SCISSORS, STONE.

And after I finished choosing my classes next semester, we started riding another long journey.

And I think that heat and air in Kaohsiung is totally unacceptable. After having lunch at the back street of National Chen Kung University, Tainan.

We went on riding ahead Mt. Ali, it’s another long ride.

What’s worse, when we were about 60 KM for Ali mountain, it started to rain.

Since the altitude keeps rising, and it’s getting late,

the temperature kept falling down to the extent that our hands and body were so cold that we were trembling and almost couldn’t feel ourselves.

When we finally arrived the boarding house here,

the owner just felt amazing that we rode our motorcycle up,

wearing little clothes.

And we rushed to take a shower and buy something to eat.

It’s the first time I’m so pleased with the food in chain convenience store.

And my teammates even drank some wine in order to get warmer and they said it would help to fall asleep.

however......... u know that some people just can't drink....

Since we have to get up early to watch sunrise tomorrow,

I think I’d better go to bed earlier today.

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