Overslept and rushed to the classroom in five minutes.
Started studying for the exam in the afternoon but I think I didn’t do well since I only spent like two hours for it; I need a way to stop spending time online!
Woke up early but watched gossip girl instead of studying....it's dangerous to stay at home!
I studied hard in the afternoon then I went to skydiving gather to watch the video of other club members and paid the fee; time to get excited!
Cooked a big dinner but Alex couldn't join as he was playing baseball; though it's also nice to get lunchbox packed but I felt really bad for the fee for those unanswered calls!
Finished the first season of gossip girl but also ran out of time for today...:S
成功早起............看Gossip girl= =?
終於把Gossip girl看完了 可是正事一件都沒做...:S
There are so many people in the career fair; I guess it's not that easy to find a job, especially for foreigners......let me just treat it as a carnival with souvenirs then. :p
Jizz in my pants at the lab....that is bad!
會把Career fair 拿來當園遊會逛的應該也只有我了......但有拿到紀念品就是划算!
晚上是實驗室的第一次jizz in the pants...= =.....真糟糕的九月....十月要振作!!
Go to the bank again; how could they misspell my email address so many times!?
Quickly finished lunch at HIS then went to my first thinking globally presentation; still a little bit nervous and I guess I'll have to cut the video shorter; none of them is from Taiwan after all.
Upon being asked "What impressed you most in the states?"
I think it's not proper to say you waste so many resources!
Went to Walmart For shopping; making the congestion in the fridge even worse!
What's worse, one of the ice cream I bought fell down and broke the bottle of kimchi....taking me even longer to clean before heading to the Arabic night. Both the costume and food surprised and amazed me.
I thought about giving up the Latin dance class due to the heavy rain but finally went to the class as a French girl in the class happened to show up with umbrella.
As two Taiwanese girls didn't come to the class and the male teacher showing up, we finally had equal number of girls and guys; what a class!
The rain stopped after class ended so I went home and made a soup; yummy!
再度風塵僕僕的前往銀行,為什麼信箱可以聽錯這麼多次阿= =?
上完課後去做了第一次正式的Thinking globally,還是有點小緊張+影片的部分真的有點乾...不是土生土長的當地人果然不太能產生共鳴,
但被問到"美國什麼地方讓你感到印象深刻"時其 實蠻難回答,我總不能說"你們沒有大眾運輸又超及浪費總有一天會有報應"吧= =
A nasty smell of shrimp on the grape spread all over the fridge;
The leftover from BBQ last week apparently........yuck!
The free lunch today is not so good and I couldn't find anyone online to chat with before taking a nap.
Join the church activity and went to the zoo in the evening.
Despite the dinner is totally not enough, visiting zoo at night time is definitely a new experience.
Cooked noodle as night snack and somehow got involved in the Taiwanese CounterStrike competition; I couldn't believe we played one on one until two o'clock.; it's not a good idea as I need to wake up at seven tomorrow :S
打開冰箱尋找食物...幹.......有蝦子味道的葡萄好噁心= =
回家以後煮個麵來吃,結果莫名的被捲入CS大戰,PK場硬是玩到100比99......惜敗 :(
Almost overslept in the morning; quickly rushed out with the sandwich.
We actually spent more time driving than hiking on the hiking trip.
I chatted with two German girls on the way to Forty Acre Rock, a really big rock.
Despite we almost got lost in the mountains, we still arrived back at school on time.
It didn't took me too long deciding to join the next activity after arriving home; there are simply too many things other than studying to do today. :P
So we went to a fun park near by for mini golf, video games and go kart; the rule is to keep your foot on the pedal at all times.
The dinner is not as good as expected; disappointed.
It's already one in the morning again after uploading pictures; time flies faster at home I believe........time to sleep!
所謂的Forty Acre Rock就是一塊大石頭...回來的時候差點在山裡面迷路,不過還是準時抵達,
回家後才知道再隔兩個小時又有下一攤玩樂...囧 今天看樣子是不會念書了...
是歡樂mini golf+跑道好短的騙錢機車電動+看誰心臟大的卡丁車,
晚上把照片傳一下又一點了,家裡的時間過得特別快,跟光速前近的太空船一樣@@ 趕快來睡嚕
Woke up early to do laundry but messed up the bag, luckily I got it fixed.
Then I found the rice I cooked had rotten; doesn't seem to be a good Sunday morning.
But I succeeded in studying in the office even though I still can't resist surfing the net for a while.
Went to the movies "Grown ups" at night; not very special.
Some exams are approaching in the next two weeks but toy story goes first! :P
It starts to get colder and colder recently; I was shaking without a jacket........that's subtropical people! :P
稀飯好像酸掉了....= =
晚上去看了"Grown ups" 感覺普通,
不過人都來了還是要先看玩具總動員再說 :P
- Oct 03 Sun 2010 17:39