Didn’t wake up until eight; glad Alex prepared some breakfast for me and the other people were late!
It’s not comfortable to put three guys at the back of the car, let alone I forgot to bring the chips!
Luckily we had another friend driving his own car; make sense now why a nice car is a big plus...:p
The goods in piggy-wiggly here is surprisingly cheaper!
Compared with that, the beach is far beneath expectation: the water doesn’t look clean but more like mudslide and there were only few people, let alone sexy girls in bikini......:(
It’s more realistic to have a picnic and take a nap.
Later in the afternoon we played the body board and frisbee......I missed the beach in Taiwan now......
We took a quick shower before going to outlet.
Despite much smaller this one was, it was still tough for me to stop buying.....I guess the shopping experience at Europe and West coast don’t really help....
We almost had dinner at Apple bee, just like two years ago, but we ended up dining at IHOP’s, which is also pretty tasty and I took the leftovers out for the breakfast tomorrow!
The ride back seemed farther but still exciting.....as the driver almost fell alseep...:S
We arrived after midnight and I started checking the things I bought but was shocked by the cockroach under my bed.........damn I just washed my linen two days ago...what should I do!?
Well........it’s already three o’clock in the morning!!
Time to sleep!
賴床到快八點,好險主揪遲到+Alex貼心早餐,不過薯片還是忘了帶了 :P
三個大男生擠後座果然是不太舒服,新朋友的大車又大又舒服,只能說如果我是妹跟著跑也正常 :P;
晚上還差一點跟兩年前一 樣去了Apple bee,不過IHOPS也很好吃,吃不完的還可以打包回家,
回家的路上也是個驚奇之旅,半夜才回到家開始整理戰利品卻差點被小強嚇死...前天才剛洗床單 耶! 幹!
Woke up and cooked the Chinese porridge.
The sauteed cucumber from a friend made me expecting this dish even more!
Washing dishes and clean the house after lunch.........wait......why it sounds like “daily F2 life!?”
Planning to try the new shoes but only to find the gyms closed on weekends.....:S
What’s worse, the internet was freaking slow when I returned home.
Luckily my new favorite dessert was ready- ice cream pancake!
After considering for a while.........I decide to go to another outlet tomorrow!
It’s again almost three o’clock in the morning after reviewing the pictures......!!
若不是有冰淇淋鬆餅真不知道該怎麼過日子 :P
Slept until ten and bought a giant Haggen-Daz as lunch:
two for six means one for three.....it’s not about math, it’s American logic :S
And it turned out that everyone was looking for butter Pecan.....it’s gonna be a war between Taiwanese students!
Then I fell asleep again on the way even though Wendy drove really fast.
The outlet today was so small, however, totally beneath my expectation.
It took me less than an hour to finish shopping here.
Luckily another guy felt the same way as I did so we went to his place.
Big house, big garden and a big car, American dream isn’t that far if one’s father is working in the States.....
After “watching” the girls having dinner after shopping, another sleep back home.
So I got a lot of sleep on labor’s day.
And I also received an important information, disappointed though.
C’est la vie, c'est la vie;
Let's find something to eat :P
美國人兩罐六元原來自動等於一罐三元.....這不是數學好不好的 問題好嗎= =?
不過原來大家都在搶Buter pecan,看來要變成台灣人大戰了,XD
好險另一個也覺得無聊的人家就住在附近! 看了一下大房子大花園大車子...是說我也想要有個被公司外派在美國的老爸...
看shopping完的人吃晚餐後接下來又一路睡回家...Labor day倒是補了不少眠
- Sep 06 Mon 2010 16:28