The vibrating function of the cellphone I brought from Taiwan is totally dead.....implying I should get an iPhone maybe??
It's already relatively a tougher course as it involves lots of math, the professor just made it worse by writing all capital characters.....
My feet hurt when playing basketball last week while I have to go back home in between of classes since I forgot to bring my laptop.......another pain :(
I took a two-hour-long nap after eating lunch along with a gossip girl episode.
The professor in the afternoon apparently didn't prepare anything before class......now I sort of understand the felling of my tutor students in the past.....
I stayed in the office until midnight.......it's two o'clock and I realized its time to sleep!
回到實驗室餓了剛好吃中餐配Gossip Girl,午覺睡了兩個小時好過癮!
下午的課老師根本就是在閒聊吧...看樣子又是一堂要自己念書的課 囧
The reverse version of an old saying: Late to bed results in late to rise.....:s
I was almost late, let alone study before class; luckily it’s the five hundred class-EASY!
Later I went to the International Student Association to figure out the insurance problem; it turned out that the amount of the insurance I bought in Taiwan wasn’t enough to meet the limitation here..............it’s really rare for Taiwanese people to have an insurance higher than 250 thousand US dollars........what for @?@
Anyways it turned out I still have to pay the $700 insurance fee.....so expensive!!
Later I went back to the office and watch gossip girl..........al the way until late in the night......PTT still has its roles in the States :S
回研究室吃飯+Gossip girl...結果就一路宅到很晚,PTT害人不淺.....囧
I can understand almost everything in class today; preview does give some feedback!
I rushed to the bus stop but the girl didn’t show up until some minutes later; it’s always like that when you wanna date the girls I guess.......:S
The church near campus offers free lunch today: fish burger with chips and something like dumpling without stuffing.....it’s always acceptable they are free!
And surprising there are SO MANY people I know here; people with little money gather together! :P
On the way back I see the student organization fair; there are so many amazing clubs here but I wasn’t able to get all of their information; should have come earlier :(
The five hundred level class in the afternoon is still easy even though I just woke up from the nap. The only problem is.........where my textbook is!?
I went to the information session of a student organization “Engineers without border” in the evening, pretty cool while a bit immature an organization it seems to be. Later I went another organization, which turned out to be looking for freshman believers, which not only made me feel old but also showed me the impact of Christianity again.
今天上課幾乎都聽得懂,果然是有唸書有差,GOOD & Keep going!
本日的教堂免費午餐是魚排漢 堡+薯片&不知道為什麼沒有出現在水餃皮內的水餃內餡....反正免錢的有得吃就好嚕,
傍晚去聽一Engineers Without Border,聽起來是個很酷的組織,不過看來南卡的.....尚待加強;
前往Russle house參加第二個說明會,一開始真是讓我有"幹我是不是真的老了"的感覺,不是在美國長大真的很有代溝阿,
結果最後又是in the name of God....配上晚上的聊天,在美國要不去抱一下基督大腿好像真的挺難的....可是我有我的堅持阿....
Did a laundry in the morning. The class at noon is the easiest but still beat me as I didn’t study in advance.
We had a Taiwanese potluck tonight: night dishes and one soup should be the most luxurious meal I believe.
We chatted until midnight before I went to bed; so glad that Grace had done the dishes already! :)
It’s not a good habit to wake up at 11 in the morning but ice cream pancake will be my new favorite!
Things didn’t really go my way today. Either the staff at the bank nor the one from the insurance company didn’t know about how to help me.......can you teach me how to find this kind of job = =?
I went to watch the movie Sherk forever after this evening. It’s a warm movie while it was cold in the theater. The movie itself? It was okay.......and that’s all.
I spent some time reviewing my pictures in high school. Seven years had already passed; how fast time strikes....I truly wish I could have a chance to go back to 17 as well :P
And I was quite amazed how strange and different a person I was during high school.......WAIT! it’s already 2 in the morning while we’re going to the beach tomorrow!!
Time to sleep despite the last diary I typed was already five months ago :S
看到自己以前的造型&照片.....是高中生都這 麼白目還是我特別怪異? 那真是一段輝煌的日子...我也想要回到17歲!!
更別說po的上一篇網誌已經是五個月前的事情了 囧
- Sep 03 Fri 2010 16:20