Finally the professor started something tough, still have to study on my own though.
Later I went back home and kept reviewing the Pictures.
I went to the information session of skydiving club this evening.
Fun and exciting it seemed, also a luxurious entertainment at the same time.
$3000 is too much for the license for me but I am definitely interested in giving it a try!
The rest of the night passed fast, just like my picture review session had already come to the 4th year of my college life.
Time strikes!
一樣是睡到自然醒,今天上課終於認真起來了!? 看來果然閱讀要自己念.....
回家繼續弄照片,轉眼間回憶錄已經來到大四了,光陰似箭就是這麼一回事吧!? :P
Finally set up the group for the project; hope the seniors in the lab would be helpful!
I went to the information session of fitness club this evening, but it's just too much for me to have a class before actually started weight training; “Just Do it” would be more realistic for me I believe....:P
The class tomorrow is canceled tomorrow so my next class will be next Monday!
Viewed some unhealthy websites until four o’clock....but didn’t lose anything.
This continent has an ability to let me stay away from..........:)
明天唯一 的一堂課停課,下堂課是下禮拜一嚕!
正所謂飽暖思淫慾,看謎網看到四點.......囧 好險我還是有守住!
算算時間~已經超過一個月了耶~ 美國果然是能讓我停機能力的地方@@
Slept until noon as I went to bed around four in the morning; luckily the class today was canceled.
I have no idea where the tool I used to remove my contact lens had gone so it took me quite a while before leaving for the office.
Finally finished uploading all the pictures and video clips in my hard drive; quite an accomplishment on 9th Sep.
My shoulder aches as the result of weight training....I heard that's how muscle grows...lol
Took a picture for the bulletin board, hope it's not going to be a strange one...
Recently I noticed how helpful google calendar could be, in addition to FB, where the upload space is unlimited, maybe it's promising to invest these companies...lol
There's a training for thinking globally this evening, a wonderful place to meet people and enjoy the free pizza for me :p
Later I walked Kim to her Latin dance class, which turned out to be my class as well since there were only few guys in the class- perfect!
Thought about applying grad school in NTU again when viewing the journal.....hmm....I guess it's too late now; I've passed the point of no return!
終於把所有的影片/照片都上傳 完畢,99年的9月9號把存放已久的記憶又全部溫習了一下;
今天發現google工作表超級好用的!!! 再加上空間無限的FB,感覺美股可能也蠻好玩的.....
晚上是Thinking globally的訓練,對我來說是個吃pizza&認識人的地方就是了...
結束後跟Kim一起去拉丁課,原本只是想說站在門外看看結果疑似因 為整個班男生太少所以直接被抓進去......正合我意! :P
算了,不該再想回頭了,選擇了這條路難走也要繼續走下去!! 東想西想又弄到兩點了....囧
Again slept until noon, maybe I shall go to bed and wake up earlier....
I was a bit late and all the girls were sitting at the same table so I was a little bit bored.......gotta learn how to deal with this!
The study abroad fair is crowded; I should have asked NTU to mail some materials here nor people would only know Minchuang University in Taiwan.
There were some students throwing water melons near Russel house, that’s too much.......what a waste of food!
There was a speech regarding hurricane Catrina in the afternoon but I didn’t get much out from it as not much details were mentioned.
I arrived the basketball court late so there were only Chinese people who don’t play full court games so I practice alone and finally found the shooting touch back after a while. Then I did some weight training; I’m gonna be a muscle man! :P
回研究室的路上看到浪費的美國人在玩丟西瓜= =....你們會有報應的!!
下午去打籃球,可是晚到所以只剩下 懶洋洋不想打全場的中國人,不過練投70球後終於有稍微找回手感,
There were many people going to the stadium for the football game while I was on my way to the office to study, which actually turned out to be basketball watching.
It’s not surprising that team USA had an overwhelming victory in the world games while the game between Serbia and Turkey was unexpectedly exciting!
I planed to start studying after the games but was instead invited to Korean store, where things are much cheaper than the ones in Chinese store.
Again we went to Chinese buffet for dinner and I was finally able to pay Rex back for the rent he paid in advance; the drive-through ATM is really lazy....lol
We went to Charle’s place to watch football; finally understand some rules of it.
We chatted until two o’clock; it seems that everyone chose USC because of the ranking of their departments while I.......guess it’s time to sleep :S
早起到研究室念書,路上都是要去看橄欖球的人,我卻是要進研究室.........看籃球世錦賽 :P
原本想說看完後要來念個書,沒想到半路被攔截載去逛韓國店,不過這里的東西真的比中國店便 宜不少,
大家今天吃到飽的戰力都不錯,應該算稍為有回本 了;
晚上到Charles家聊天,稍微搞懂了橄欖球規則不過 後來講政治就講到兩點...
Had a GOOD dream in the morning :P
I slept until noon and happened to witness the moment the clock on the wall fell to the ground and broke into pieces...= =
And the juice of Kimchi had leaked out in the living room, taking me a while before entering the office and watching the game which Lithuania beat Serbia.
I didn’t realize the summer vacation at Taiwan was still going on until I checked Facebook; now I really feel like being in a different place.
Many of my classmates also come to the office on Sunday afternoon- Hard working@@
Had dinner at home but broke a record.........still tougher than the movies though :P
Finished the homework in 5 minutes.
Time to sleep as it’s four in the morning already!!
雖然可能已經精蟲上腦,不過我可是連做春夢都是有序章的,我果然有超高道德標準 :
賴床睡到快12點剛好看到時鐘掉下來爆炸...= =,到客廳又發現泡菜漏汁....
便當吃完了所以晚上回家吃韓國泡菜,還不夠辣不過已經蠻接近在韓國的味道 了是個GOOD,吃飽太閒念不下書就來炒個飯,沒有蛋感覺少了什麼不過看起來已經很不錯!
之後花五分鐘解完明天的作業就趕快去睡@@! 都四點了...囧
- Sep 12 Sun 2010 16:11