Though it's sad I couldn't go through the Custom as soon as I landed around six since the online visa counter opens at eight in the morning, I do appreciate the free wifi in the airport.
Thankful as I felt, I helped some people setting up the connection to the Internet.
As one good turn deserves another, the counter opened 30 mins before scheduled time; lucky!
The airport express is really fast with nice view while the metro in the city not only had news displaying but also comfortable air conditioner; the only problem for a visitor with luggage like me would be those stairs......almost worn myself out with my luggage which is over 30 kilograms.
The same problem about arriving too early happens again in the hotel I booked; visitors from Taiwan wouldn’t arrive so early so the room wasn’t ready yet.
It’s ridiculous that most banks will take commission fees for currency exchange.......I thought I’ve already left Switzerland a few days ago...luckily the one nearby the hotel doesn’t apply such fees.
After buying the prepaid phone card, I called Vivian, who was in my team when visiting Taiwan four months ago.
The first meal in Hong Kong is noodle with pigs’ lever......I should have asked what the term starting with pig means as there are actually quite some differences between Mandarin and Cantonese....
The noodle tastes a little bit like instant noodle; not really my style....and the milk tea has a stronger taste of tea than milk; exactly the opposite way from Taiwanese style.
A dessert at the air-conditioned dessert houes is really but I have to say mango is really a proud of Taiwan!
According to Vivian, there seems not much to do other than shopping and eating??
Then we went to the river, where both sides of the banks are filled with highrising buildings.
Several interesting things here to watch:
1. A Deutchbahn sign here on a building; seriously?
2. All kinds of boats on the river; there’s even one that looks like a pirate ship!
3. There’s a walkway full of actors’ name on the street, just like the one in Hollywood; but most of the famous people don’t have their fingerprint here.....
Not knowing what to do, we went to the nearby space museum, where the strong air-conditioner is a total relief from the scorching sun outside.
Well actually there are lots of interesting things inside the museum; I just don’t want to join the long line of kids.....
Then we went having dinner, to which we saw some interesting signs on the way.
Dinner is delicious even though it’s just a normal chain restaurant; I love Asian food!
The best part of it should be the drink; I didn’t mean to, but it’s really nice to get a free refill when the drink is spilled accidentally.
It’s simply too HOT here compared to Europe, probably also because of the jet lag, so I decided to headed back to the hotel.
The room reserved for Taiwanese people only is really AWESOME!
And the cool air indoors just recharged me with energy.
So I planed to head out again originally but got stuck as I couldn’t find the key card, which mysteriously showed up in my luggage which is closed at six in the next morning.......I guess it’s definitely time to sleep now.....:S
終於來到了華都行; 台灣人不會這麼早到所以無法check in,大部分的銀行換錢要手續費也太誇張..........你以為這裡是瑞士喔= =?
好險老闆告訴我樓下附近有一家不用手續費的實在是VERY GOOD,
買了電話卡先來call Vivian,
香港的第一餐之原來豬潤=豬肝,公仔麵吃起來像泡麵... 奶茶喝起來茶味比奶味重 剛好跟台灣相反,
怎麼Vivian表示香港好像除了Shopping & eating 外沒什麼特別的樂趣?
- Aug 05 Thu 2010 04:36
星光大道熱昏頭 @Hong Kong