
I got the student identity card today, which means that I'm a real Stanford studnet now!!

And I got up in the morning then went taking a shower, I've long been wanted to take a shower and washed my hair in the morning!!

But usually I don't have time to do so in Taiwan- rushing to school everyday~XD

I thought only American do this, but seems that many Japanese do this as well here

Then it's breakfast time.

I took picture with naoko, and we exchanged our sunglasses when taking this

After the breakfast, we went to John's Efficiency Communication class but failed to get there in time due to the fact that dear Jerm, the host got lost again.

And the class is really far away from the domitory, we participated in the farest class section.

It takes at least twenty minutes to walk there.

I'm quite regret thatI didn't bring a rollerskater here or something like that.

And I'm not gonna rent a bike here, a month for $120 , crazy!! I can buy a new one in Taiwan with half price and better equipment!!

We play somekind of icebreaker by interviewing other classmates and taking some notes. But since we started our class late, we just ran out of time and failed to finish it.

After John comes Melanie's Topic Developement class, quite different from John since that Mel just gave so many homework....

then it's lunch time, I forget to take pictures this time, since it's just all the same..... and we were busy completing our work left undone @ John's class , which really make me know much a lot better about my classmates.

In the afternoon, we went to the bookstore, I just buy two text books and two mamo here.

They cost more than $50 dollars-how expensive they are!!!

And it's said that a Stanford jacket is of the same price as well but I don't have enough time to check it out. [ I borrowed jacket from Steven instead]

Something interesting happened that I used a $50 bill which I accidentally had it shirnk into a ball due to the fact I forgot putting the bill in the poket after exchanged it and just washed the pants last year!

It looked so bad that the clerk even used a pen to check if it's real or not XD.

Then it goes to campus tour, which shows me again the beautiful and large size of Stanford.

This time our host group do it together.

We started from a drained lake near our dorm, not bad.
[actually we watch star here @ night, and that's cool! ]

and they got many vehicles look like this,

which is not so common in Taiwan, but of course we have DHC too

And this one is the only house that's personal property in Stanford

I think the name is cool!!

And they have many student dorms like this, compared with those in NTU.... woops @@'

NTU students are living in jails....XD

and this is a pool outside the Green Liberary, and I take this picture with Honda[he said that I can call him like this - a great news to me since I had problem to remember the name of Korean and Japanese people- they just spell their names in English rather than having an English one!!!

And it's the place for those who use laptop.... so comfortable!

It's where they put books in the basement, just like the one in the liberary of NTU.

It's a room for studying in the liberay, so beautiful!!

and next comes scenes else where in the campus

but I accidentally had my camera bumped into another when taking picture for another person. And it would vibrate so hard that I can't take a picture if I hold it vertically. So I only take picture with the camera held horizontally.

And they have a memorial church in the campus

and they put things to represent the year of Stanford under ground and number it

And our last stop is Hoover Tower- a combination of a tourist place,museum and library.

They have an elevator to get up which cost about $1~2 but free for Stanford students.

And it's cool to see the campus on that tower since it just shows different scene at different direction!

After the campus tour we went playing games @ the oval where we watched stars and told ghost stories last night.

I have to say.... it's much less frightened visiting here at day time =ˇ=

I've been told that they played something like throwing the shoes into the sky and getting them back with naked foot- Honda and I just sleep during these since we were really tired~ XD

After the games were over and we were waken up by others, I asked Abby, the director of ALC1, drove me to the Stanford shopping center to try fixing my camera.

But just as the ones in Taiwan, it turned out that it'll take a lot of money and time to fix it since they will send it back to Japan without checking what's wrong with it first and kept on recommending me to buy a new one ~"~

so I just decided to leave the camera that way.

and after dinner I chat with mom and my sister and it turned out that I'm the second great class , just as my sister did two years ago- and exactly the same teacher, who only gave her a "c+"

Seems like I got to work harder!!

And I found that my roomate already arrived, but he seems quite tired....he just finished his final examination and flied here along- later than all the other Japanese students.

So I just let him lie, not bothering him until round up time.

We had a campfire tonight.

we made a circle around the fire singing songs

Despite we don't have a BBQ here, they roasted cotton candy there, and it tasted not bad with cookie and Chocolate.......a liitle bit too sweet, actually.

Then I went watching the stars, there're just so many since there's no cloud at the sky and it was so beautiful!

When we went back, other students were playing a game that participants in the games have to have a bite of cotton candy and then speak out a word without swallowing it.

And Jake, one Korean student in our host group, was the winner.

It's cool......... XD

Like what Nguyem, my host said, it's called.... "for family!!"

After taking a shower, I washed my clothes in the loundry

It's free - such a good news to me since everything's just so expensive here.

and the drier is also free

I like it !!!

After that I just had fast noddle and we did homework at the lobby.

And something happened tonight.

I can't find my keys and dining card!!

I just seek everywhere but in vain

well....I'm going to sleep anyway since it's about two thirty now

    創作者 咖摸 的頭像

    Live loose, don't lose!

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