Today seems to be another ordinary day even though it's special for me.

It started with an exciting basketball game while the TV broadcast is worse than poor.

It feels awful when the last minute of an close basketball game was replaced by commercial....

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One of my classmate came to the dormitory to sleep over since he had lots of work to do.

Since I'm gonna watch NBA finals tomorrow morning, I went to another classmate's room to sleep over.

Actually I like their room quite very much since they have soft floor and they always turn the air-conditioner on, which is

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當我正在二手車賣場尋尋覓覓之時,他老兄卻嫌家裡傳下來的六年Altis 1.8『老車』已經不敷使用,配不上他『股神』的派頭而跑來問我推薦哪一款新車。


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I only slept for less than three hours yesterday since the second midterm of Fluid Mechanics is this morning!

Luckily I didn't mess it up thanks to the hardwork last night.

I went back to my sernior high school since the annual activity for students who are about to graduate is this noon, I can't miss it since my cousin happens to be one of the junior students, let alone it's said to be the last time of this activity.

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