Today is the graduation day for NTU senior students.


Since I'm only junior now, I went tutoring in the morning and watched a Japanese commic, which I knew I should put it off later after the final exam but just can't help finishing reading it by using the whole afternoon.

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Somehow I've been sleeping quite a lot for the first two days in June.

More than 24 hours in 48 hours!!

Is this a symptom of magic flu XD???

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It's an article I found from the net.

Any relationship lasts for a long time only when it's a happy one.

It's not like the advertisement in TV nor the plot in movie- everyday is either Christmas or Valentine's Day- full of happiness.

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1.申請國際駕照: 只要三百塊而且馬上可以拿。雖然不一定會開到車(其實也不建議),
不過這個在美國可以當作Photo ID使用,比帶護照方便且風險較小


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