We're going to ski today so we woke up before five o'clock this morning even though we drank until three last night!!

To our surprise, the heater on the bus was much more stronger than we expected.

I think it's at least 40 degrees; I wondered if it's a make up for our absence of Korean sauna...

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From today on, we have at least eleven Taiwaneses in our tourist group; in addition to our most hospitable Korean hosts, what a big group we are!

Our schedule this morning is to visit Seoul National University, generally recognized as the best University in Korea; just like NTU in Taiwan and UT in Japan.

Unlike UT and NTU, however, SNU is located a little bit far from downtown since it had been moved from the main district to suburban hills by the government several years ago due to student protest activities.

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Everyone woke up late this morning since we drank pretty late and took the last subway back to our hotel last night.

As a result, we went having brunch together this morning, more precisely, at noon. :P

Brunch is all the same around the world, I guess.

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We go for EASY style this morning; only four people waked up for the breakfast provided by the hotel.

I guess I still don't get well with eating breakfast outside. :P

We went back with some eggs and yoghurts we took from the restaurant for our companies who were still sleeping in the room.

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