From today on, we have at least eleven Taiwaneses in our tourist group; in addition to our most hospitable Korean hosts, what a big group we are!

Our schedule this morning is to visit Seoul National University, generally recognized as the best University in Korea; just like NTU in Taiwan and UT in Japan.

Unlike UT and NTU, however, SNU is located a little bit far from downtown since it had been moved from the main district to suburban hills by the government several years ago due to student protest activities.

But SNU therefore enjoys a relatively new & large campus.

There's a beautiful building right at the entrance of SNU, which is its art museum.

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Nevertheless, the exhibition in the museum, seemed to convey an artistic conception that is beyond my horizon that I considered it just like toys' painting....anyways....

SNU is really beautiful that we even saw a drama filming exterior in campus!
(She seems to be a new but kind of popular star but apparently no Taiwanese knew who she is....)

It's sunny day today but the temperature is about three degrees; good weather to play on the frozen lake! :P

Since it's winter vacation, there are more mountain climbers than students. (As mentioned before, SNU is on the hillside of a mountain)

We spent some time walking around the campus and had lunch at a restaurant that is similar to Subway.

In the afternoon we went to 仁寺洞, a place famous for traditional Korean culture that even Starbucks is requested to have its only non-English sign here.

When we got seperated, I saw traditional Korean performance and went eating black noodle alone thanks to Wen's guidebook.

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Our schedule this evening is to watch NANTA show, a famous Korean show combining percusion, acrobatics, and drama!

Considering some people might have not seen the show yet, let's keep the story a secret but I strongly recommend it!

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We went to a traditional Korean restaurant tonight for supper.

Again the seafood pancake satisfied me but I disliked the smell of the traditional alcohol.

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Tonight many Taiwanese got drunk since they sat in Youngpyo's eyesight and therefore kept on drinking with him.

Luckily I hid outside Youngpyo's territory so I was able to make sure everyone can return safely.

But Korean are really strong drinkers.......Steven and Chris were the victims tonight, falling into Youngpyo's 燒酒 world.

Youngpyo is such a strong drinker; he behaved so naturally even though he's drunk.......which was proven by the fact he couldn't recognize the elevator in our hotel......

And we started drinking again in our room;

I can finally drink without worrying others while Chris drank only water this time. :P

OK~ time to sleep; we need to get up early for the ski trip tomorrow!!

SNU 漂亮美術館裡面的莫名展覽


亂打秀超high! 尤其是突發橋段XD


&台人果然喝不贏韓人 連醉的反應都差很多 :P

喝些小酒 今天要早點睡明天要滑雪呢!!

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