The landlord is really @#%&......how dare she came in midnight and shut the Internet off!? It’s not even our check out time yet!
Despite being furious, we still picked up our luggage, jumping onto the earliest bus heading to Boston even before the sun rose.
I don’t really know why but my energy was super high even without sleeping last night so I took some pictures along the way; should have taken a seat at the other side (right) of the bus as the view is so much better.
Subway in Boston is not only convenient but considerably cleaner than what’s in NYC.
Our stay tonight also provides a much more comfortable experience than before!
We went to MIT, one of the most famous universities in the world evening.
Due to the shortened day time and the winter break, we didn’t see much but were already impressed by some of the designs around the campus.
After discussing and actually using some apple products in our group, now I’m thinking about getting a smart device as well........:S
莫名的精神亢奮配上其他人瀕臨死亡狀態,Bus view超好可惜坐錯邊,
來到波士頓坐乾淨的地鐵,抵達旅館check in之這才是正常的旅館,
今天一整天的討論&試用其他人的蘋果害我也好想買I-pod了 >\\\
- Jan 02 Sun 2011 21:48