Not until I woke up early and just finished the laundry did my Arabic friend called me and canceled the plan for going paint ball fighting.
So I went back and slept all the way until Brian visited in the afternoon.
Then we decided to go to the NBA preseason game between the Pistons and Bobcats as it's held in the school arena.
Despite the game was lack of superstars, the cheap tickets with beautiful cheer leaders were absolutely worthwhile!
晚上去看了NBA,雖然是季前賽不過也是蠻不錯的,而且票價超級便宜 GOOD!
Slept until almost noon but still tired; home is simply a dangerous place :s
Singed the pizza when I was cleaning and found some waffles moldy. :(
Still couldn't solve the homework problems even though discussing with classmates in the office; a tough professor always makes the course harsher......luckily the wisdom from our Indian classmate saved our asses at the last minute!!
Went back home at one o'clock tonight.
I truly appreciate his comfortable ride......gotta find a way to let him join our trip to Florida!!
The rice storage level was already low but the situation got worse as I overturned the last remaining rice.....
hmm.......家裡實在太危險....整理家裡的時候不小心把pizza烤焦了....發現有鬆餅發霉了... :(
來到研究式面對做不出來的作業,跟學長一起繼續臭幹...選錯老師了啦!! :(
感謝印度人學長的救援,只是我肚子好餓...撐到一點學長載我回家,車挺棒的耶...真的不去佛羅里達嗎?? :P
Rushed to the class in the morning; glad it's a much more peaceful class than I expected as I was the one making presentation...lol
Kept programming after taking the nap.
The class in the afternoon, however, was way too simple than the one in the morning, made me feel painful for the tuition paid; I guess it must because the tuition here is almost six times to that in Taiwan.
Working on my blog tonight even though it has been delayed for more than six months; I think I can still make it up “some day” as I keep this habit. (While now the delay is more than 18 months....:S)
The atmosphere seemed pretty relaxing as everyone had already handed in the report. :P
The meat I bought earlier was rotten just when I planed to cook them. :(
It’s already two in the morning after I finished cooking.
Receiving a “TRASH” mail (which I don’t actually remember what it was about...lol)
Anyways it’s time to sleep.
hmm......5字頭真是歡樂....只是這樣感覺好浪費學費阿= =
結果就變成打網誌...是說落後的進度超過半年了 :S 不過只要有持續在打,總有一天可以追上的吧@@
晚上學長10點才進來,結果12點又要走,果然剛交完報告的日子大家都沒什麼幹勁阿 :P
回家炒飯發現排骨肉壞掉了 :(
The easiest dish here: water-boiled bacon with broccoli with bacon egg in the lettuce; great combination for breakfast!
A big meal makes one sleepy though, even though it’s breakfast. :P
Sending two postcards then went back to the office to study and found it most efficient to study with an empty stomach; does it have to be so hard....?
Went to skydiving club and reserved for the wind tunnel trip; gotta have fun for two consecutive weeks!
Felt sleepy tonight so just sleep; it’s after the tasks!! :P
晚上去跳傘社,又報名了另外一個活動,要連續兩周體驗自由落體的感覺嚕 :P
不知道為什麼覺得好累想睡覺...那就去睡覺吧~~要享受一下想睡就可以去睡的悠閒 =ˇ=
Slept too much......so I renewed the record for being late to class: 20 minutes.
Changed the desk lamp; I wonder why they don’t have this at all though I’m glad I brought mine from Taiwan. :P
Received “guide for graduate students” after the meeting, which I really thought would be much more ideal if received earlier when I was still in Taiwan....= =
Gave up the free lunch and watch the basketball game of my senior high school through the net instead.
The nap took me much longer than I thought even though I slept night hours last night! @@
The studying efficiency finally came back after dinner so for the first time I finished the reading material before class! :P
Made a wish........if it comes truth I’ll make some donations! :P
The water pressure is super unstable today, scared me several times.. = =
去了研究生的集合,結果發了一本"研究生須知"........這東西應該要在我來美國之前就給我吧!!! 害我多花了好多錢!!
晚餐後的讀書效率不錯是個GOOD! 終於第一次在上課前把指定的reading給念完;
今天家裡的水壓不穩,一直被爆衝的水嚇到 = =
Woke up super early in the morning but went back to sleep after breakfast and found myself not accepted by the NTU Civil Engineering graduate school; well.....that’s life I guess!
So it seems that the only way to avoid military service from interrupting my studies is to get super heavy or super skinny....lol
Missed the school shuttle bus and therefore the free lunch as well; the system is simply unreliable at noon. :S
Though I finished the reading yesterday, I don’t see much difference.......I guess it’s simply not worth spending so much time on it.
After a successful “negotiation,” now I don’t have to worry about GRE that much as I don’t have to hand in the score before summer!
Later I went to the Asian market for rice, being cheated as they put the $37 bags of rice under the $25 price tag; the owner is really not an honest person I have to say...
Then we went to Walmart, not a pleasant experience I have to say as someone was really....~
Went to watch the movie “Despicable Me” after putting things away at home, pretty much a good movie while it would be much better if the popcorn didn’t run out just in front of me :(
It’s Indian night tonight; not so interesting though so I went to the Latin class, which was not so fun either as it was test day; I’m pretty sure I could get a good score though. :P
一睡睡到11點.....起來查榜發現........恩...很好,省了10萬(咦?) 總之這下真的要想辦法吃胖到變成一隻豬或者是減肥到會被風吹走的狀態了...
中午去上課的時候覺得學校的公車系統真的.....頗爛 = = 所以只好跟免費午餐說再見了...
下課後盧笅成功,GRE又可以晚點考了 :P
回家後把東西放進冰箱就出門去看神偷奶爸,還蠻不錯看的;可惜爆米花就在我前面幾個人的時候剛好發完 :(
之後去ISA印度之夜,沒什麼好玩的所以晃了一下就去跳舞,今天是考試,那我應該就是專業陪考 :P
- Oct 22 Fri 2010 18:30