09.16 Day 11
We took the subway to Tokyo University this morning.
The schedule this morning is to listen to a lecture by the official of a Japanese diplomat.
But his accent made the speech even more boring.......almost everyone fell aslept. :P
It's sad our lunch today is not the most famous noodle in Tokyo university.
But it's really delicious with a pleasant price.
Compared to those luxurious food we had during JLC program......the price is more friendly to students :)
We had a short discussion about the speech in the morning after lunch, during which I fell aslept again because I didn't sleep during the speech in the morning, let alone a nap after lunch is a must! :P
A visit to a campus is never completed without visiting its library.
This campus for freshman and sophomore is relatively smaller than we expected so we soon finished campus tour here.
So we took the subway to another campus of Tokyo University.
When visiting the campus for junior and senior students, Nanako happened to call me just in time so I asked her to show me around the building of civil engineering department.
We tried to find other TSA members but they happened to be away from their seats. :(
But I did see something similar; there're also words with similar meanings in NTU!
Thanks to the most beautiful guide Nanako, we had lots of fun here!
Everyone brought his laptop to lobby to use internet after returning to where we live.
This really makes me think of the start of ALC!! :P
東大校園遊, 聽演講 有點難懂 照旁邊的正妹卡實在
東大土木系探索 都沒遇到TSA人>.
- Sep 16 Wed 2009 11:45