
09.15 Day 10

Today is really my first time spending the whole day traveling along in Tokyo.

I went to Ueno zoo in order to see giant panda, which we actually have a pair in Taiwan but I haven't had a chance to go see them.

However, not until asking the staff did know that giant panda here had already died.

It's pretty sad but I'm pround to find this information with my poor Japanese.

Ok......actually Mandy's tool book did me a great favor.

I couldn't have survived but for this helpful book.

Though giant panda is not available, there are still lots of animals in this zoo.

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Their tiger looks cute rather than terrible while the sea lion feeding show is spectacular.

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And it's my first time to see the small penguin and some interesting-looking birds.

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There are more than just birds :P

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The single rail train in the zoo is also attracting.

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I also went to other spots mentioned in the guidebook.

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Again I have to thank Lily for this guidebook and Mandy's Japanese book :P

But the restaurants recorded in the guidebook are really expensive ones :(


While asking for directions, a man asked me if I want to experience special massage with young and beautiful Japanese girls!

Hey that sounds really attracting to me.....sadly I got a tight schedule so I quickly took my luggage I put at the station and go to another station to meet the host of a program for the next coming six days!

The name of this program is ACIT, Asian Culture in Tokyo.

I saw this program couple of weeks ago before departuring from Taiwan and applied to join it since I'd like to play longer, which though would make me skip the classes in the first week of the new semester.

I tried the cafe at the station when waiting for the host, which is a clever move since our dinner time is really late today :)


I don't remember much about what happened in the first day of this program but one thing is for sure; the girls in this program are beautiful......:P

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ACIT正式開始 日本妹好多好正>\\\

    創作者 咖摸 的頭像

    Live loose, don't lose!

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