
First I want to say sorry to all those who come to my blog every day.

You may find that some article I posted before had all gone.

Actually I hided them cuz I want them to show up one by each day.

So my trip record to the states this summer vacation will be completed at the first day of November.

And I'm really suprised but happy to see that there are more than one hundred people viewing my blog everyday after I started typing it in English.

It's really amazing.

And the other reason why I didn't update and post the journals in time is because that nowadays I'm kind of busy

There are just so many things needed to be done.

I wonder how come I could waste so many time and money on those things which I seemed meaningless now in the past!!

Now I have a part time job from the graduate school of my department, civil engineering and two tutor students and I decided to try my best to avoid skipping classes and get good scores.

I feel my life is busy but substantial now and I really like it that way!!

But yesterday someone really pissed me off!!

It was someone from the Internet who asked me to brought two jackets he bought at gilroy the outlet but forgot them in another shop.

Due to the fact I was also helped by another great person who I knew from the net as I mentioned in my diary, I decided to help him, which turned out to be simply a trouble for me.

At first, he said he would come to Stanford and take them back but ended up asking me to bring it back to Taiwan for him.

Doesn't he know that I already had a suitcase that is about to explode since I also bought a lot of things in Gilroy and in Stanford bookstore as well??

But I still brought them back for him since I decided to help.

However, it's another procrastination and waiting for him to get it after I arrived Taiwan.

He said about want to treat me a meal or what to thank me but simply didn't show up nor call, he didn't even set the time!!

He asked his sister to take them from me.

That's ok, cuz I really don't care about the meal or what.

I just wanted to get them away since it's bugging to put them in my room!!

And finally his sister contacted me this Sunday, asking me if I would be at school or not.

So I brought the jackets to school and stayed at school till almost twelve o'clock just for fear that I might went home before she came.

However, she didn't show up, not even making a phone call either.

I'm furious and I asked what the hell are they thinking!!

Each time he tagged me on msn with a buzz first rather than a hi or something.

WTF it's not me that is asking you to do me the favor.

I'm the one that is doing something for you and it's you asked me to do so.

What's wrong with you!?

Is this the way how you treat someone you asked aid from??

So I said that I will send them to him directly and he said "yup, I thought about this as well."

Fxxk that is this something I owned you or what!?

How dare you say that.

I thought about throwing them away atually but just gave up and sent them away.

I think I'm really a good guy.

So sad that the first time I want to help others ended up like this.

But I think it's ok.

I am taking responsbility for my decision to say "ok I will help you" at that time.

It's about I'm a man of my words.

I just lost, or say, spent a few money to know one person's personality- a poor one


I should forget about it now.

Let bygones be bygnoes, right?

    創作者 咖摸 的頭像

    Live loose, don't lose!

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