
Today is my final presentation of this program.

Of course it took place in John's EC class

And actually last week we played a little game to decide the order who's going to give his presentation first.

It's that John decided a number and whoever guessed closest to it can decide his order to present earlier or later.

It's not hard, actually.

Since one doesn't have to beat everyone else to choose what day he wants to go.

So it's about being the middle- just to beat others who guessed the extreme value.

And as I expected, my guess 50 among 1~100 was the third closet to the exact number, which was the year John was b orn in.

And I chose to make my presentation on the first day, ASAP, which actually caused me a little bit rush and not being capable of finishing everything I want to complete in time, a fantastic and nice-looking powerpoint script, for example.

But as what I said before, things in my schedule are never fully done ~XD

So my idea is to finish it as soon as possible-EASY.

And I was kind of lucky actually.

Since the projector was not working with our laptop and John didn't want us to put any information other than pure statics, which means no beautiful pictures, subtitle, etc- exactly my powerpoint since I didn't have time to do that at all!! XD

And because I had only little statics, I make the word much larger than usual to fill the screen, which happened to be just fit here for the audience since the projector is not working.

And what I did was simply doing my best- saying something, pretending I'm good at it without really understanding it !! XD

And luckily the time was just fit when I finished.

I think it's really a lucky presentation.

Anyway, I finished the last work of this program on the learning English part.

So next comes the relaxing part of this program ^_____^ , which is something I always liike- EASY!!

The first coming one is visiting Microsoft, which is one of the only two company visit I've chosen to go among every company visit I had signed up!!

So we went to Microsoft, which is actually not far from Stanford campus, since Stanford is really near to Sillicon valley.

But Microsoft is an evil enterprise!!

To begin with is a kind of boring lecture, probably because I'm neither an EE or computer science student.

And I believed his beginning with "don't ask me about intermship nor how to work here, I don't know."

And I simply fell asleep during the boring lecture, just like many other students.

The only good thing here maybe that they have many peppermint drops available.

Maybe it's for keeping their emploees awake- evil enterprise~~XD

And the desert they offered were simply not enough!!

Not like Google at all, my roomate even brought some snacks back from google to share~~!!

And what they showed us is a flat map device, which is capable of using pure hands to view all over the world.

However, as I remember, it's not something new nor unique-another reason why I'm disappointed with this visit to Microsoft and a proof that it's really an evil enterprise!!

The only interesting part here is to visit the Microsoft shop, where things are really kind of cheap inside, especially games, which is only $15 each, less than half the price in Taiwan.

But for the fact that my computer at home was my entering senior high school gift which is really old and not being capable of running recent popular games.

So I just bought a T-shirt, leaving all those cheap technical products there.

And I was quite happy about that, since it really took me a while to quit playing games all the time.

But my shopping habit had really been triggered since my visiting the outlet in gilroy.

So I went to the bookstore, buying more souvenir after returning to Stanford campus.

I like to buy things that is available in somewhere only!!

    創作者 咖摸 的頭像

    Live loose, don't lose!

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