This morning, despite we were in a hurry to attend the classes, we got up even ealier than usual since we're going to take a group picture of all ALC1 stduents.

After that we went directly to John's Effective Communication class.

And I decided my research topic today, it's something about the entering colledge system in the states.

Despite I wanted to do other issues about gender or something else I'm interested in.

After a quick lunch, we went company visiting- SUN Micro System

(the picture is that I pretended as if I was giving the presentation....)

After the presentation which briefly introduced the company status, they showed us around.

Here is actually a place like their visitor center, where they make presentation of the company status and show the visitors their products.

They are all high-tech things, which amazed me a lot.

I think here is a place that is better for EE students to visit since they gave quite a lot of technology backgorund of this field.

But I still had a good time and see many new things here.

And their souvenir are really nice, a delicated box of mints-I like it!!

We went to Palo Alto, downtown Stanford, to do our group survey after the company visit.

Our survey topic is about dating habbits, I think students at our ages are really interested in this kind of topic no matter what countries they are from.

And I did survey with some cute girls who were picnicing... eating junk food

Life pace here is really great!!

However, I was suprised at their age.

I thought they should be about 17 or 18 but they turned out to be 15...!!

I really can't tell the ages of Western girls @@!

It's really a strange feeling every time you expect someone to be about your age and just ended up finding that she 's maybe four or five years to you.

Anyway, I just had the first step- first time talk to real American people who are not in the program.

[suddenly I think of that maybe the first American I speak to is the US customs officer.]

Then we watched the play "doubt"


Actually I fell asleep most of the time during the play.

Partly because I got a bad cold.

So I didn't understand what happened.

I just spent $26.50 sleeping during the play...

What a waste!!!

It's really important to remain healthy and energetic in this program...

For me, it's a program which one sleeps little, eats a lot, having lots of homework.

Getting a cold is really killing me.........

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