目前分類:2010 Sumter Europa Reisen -暢遊西歐兩個月 @Europe (50)

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Overslept this morning so I'll have to find the way to school.

After surviving last night, I'm not worrying about it at all now; the road is right down your nose.

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The best way to kill time in the airport is to wrote postcards and that's what I did until falling asleep.

Though the staff at the airport said all address must be written in English, I just sent them the way I did before; time will tell whether it works or not ~ :P

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Today is my last day in London, I took the bus to the famous British museum;

there are really LOTS of things inside, no wonder it's one of the most famous museums around the world.

And the fact that it's also free and allows picture taking made me really love it!

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I got up early in the morning and went to Buckingham Palace for the dress parade.

There are sooooooooooooooo many people, making the square super crowded;

It took me some time to find a place that I can barely see something!

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Toshi slept late in the morning while I left his dorm after checking some tourist information on line.

The first place to visit today is Westminseter abbey but I didn't buy the ticket to get in since I've visited St. Paul's church the other day.

So I just took some pictures outside the Westminseter abbey then I headed to the next tourist spot- the Parliament house.

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Today is a review of the places I didn't visit at the first day in London;

I went to Museum of London again this morning since there's a new district open today and I was the first one to go through it!

Then I paid the fee and went into St. paul's Cathedral.

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It's time to check out from this hostel, in which the person sleeping under my bed is a male at day time and a girl at night.......interesting.

However, since I haven't finished my history report, I have no other way but to stay in the kitchen to work on it.

It really took me a long time since I'm bad at writting long articles and this one requires me to write 3000 words!!

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The train starts early in the morning, waking me up early as well at five AM!

Breakfast is included in the room fee ; quite a good news since eating in London is really expensive!

And I met the first Taiwanese on my European trip, a girl who's teaching Chinese in German; seems like I hit the Jackpot!

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Though there had been several times of "change of summer plan:"

From doing summer intern in Singapore to realizing my not being able to visit Tokyo before heading to the states due to the early start of fall semester in University South Carolina, finally I applied for joining summer school in Ulm, Germany.

It would take some time to explain, especially the eruption of volcano in Iceland, military and VISA problems, which made me change my original plan on heading to the states from Europe.

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