Cheng didn’t book the hotel as promised but went to Sonafe, the school festival without telling me...........that is very “Cheng,” a verb we developed in this summer program :P
And in the morning we missed the first bus at five o’clock so we had no choice but to walk to Paris..........I mean, walk to the train station to take the train to Paris :P
- Jun 26 Sat 2010 09:50
Bonjour 羅浮宮,愛菲爾鐵塔@Paris
- Jun 25 Fri 2010 00:08
德國烏爾姆生活第三週 @Ulm
Felt super sleepy during the german class and replied some mails since I didn't bring my laptop to Prague for last three days.
So I finally got in touch with staff from University of South Carolina;
- Jun 21 Mon 2010 11:00
德國駕駛初體驗 @die Autobahn
- Jun 20 Sun 2010 07:22
清晨、半夜,布拉格 @Prague
Woke up around two o’clock since Tiago, one of the Brazilian in the program brought a girl back from the night club and would like to “use” the room so I was asked to move to the other room.......I must be either too nice or simply too tired to move = =
And I was waken up AGAIN as other people came back from clubbing..............okay I’ll just wake up......but the poor breakfast from the hostel cost two euro while it’s far from delicious....okay.......it’s a strong reminder that I’m still in Europe! :P