
Woke up around two o’clock since Tiago, one of the Brazilian in the program brought a girl back from the night club and would like to “use” the room so I was asked to move to the other room.......I must be either too nice or simply too tired to move = =

And I was waken up AGAIN as other people came back from clubbing..............okay I’ll just wake up......but the poor breakfast from the hostel cost two euro while it’s far from’s a strong reminder that I’m still in Europe! :P

So I strolled along, six AM in Prague.

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The always-crowded Charles Bridge now is only enjoyed by me.

Lonely planet seems not so bad as I go astray........all the way to the castle on the hill. The view from the hill is amazing while both the castle and church had some kind of technical problems.
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But the view itself is already worthwhile. I think it would be really nice to live as a dove in Europe: having the best view, food provided and no transportation problem.........sounds good right?

I went back to the hostel to take a nap after the early city walk and headed out again with the beautiful weather in the afternoon.

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I thought about watching the famous black theater but they had a sold-out tonight.

Thanks to the traveling information on the Internet, I found the boat ride starting from under Charles bridge.

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It’s relatively cheap considering the living cost here. And I got on the last boat so just like this morning, I was the only passenger on the boat. Enjoying the beer and ice-cream along with the stories from the crew- AWESOME!

And then I found another black theater showing “Alice” and the play had a really surprising climax.......interesting@@!
I still haven’t figured out how to buy tickets for public transportation while I don’t want to ride the rails so I walked back and enjoyed the night view of this beautiful city.

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其他人天亮了才回來又在那吵鬧 太超過了

害我五點就起床 !! 然後Hostel的早餐居然要兩歐;再加上附近便利商店的東西售價.....東歐除了床以外好像沒有比較便宜.....

六點的早晨健行,沒有人的Charles Bridge;一個人旅行的寂寞星球似乎也不是這麼可怕。

突然想到在歐洲似乎當隻鴿子頗不錯的(view很好 哪裡都可以去 又有食物 也不用擔心交通問題:P)

只是布拉格的教堂&城堡都有technical proble??? 加油 好嗎?

不過不要$最實在~ 而且view又很好 和戶外展覽一樣就甘心-多多益善!!



良心遊客仍舊不跑票所以就來夜遊布拉格~ 夜景好漂亮>\\\\

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