Slept until 11;
After climbing through mountains and finally arrived at Fisherman’s wharf, Stephanie and the 2011 ALCers had already gone to union square, which is pretty close to where I stayed.......
Well luckily I went to the famous flower street by chance as I was trying to find the shortest cut on map; worth visiting though!
Wandering around Pier 39, missing my ALC friends....:S
Tried to join the ALC group but apparently not so easy..
Followed the suggestion by google map back this time; there are always something surprising waiting at the corner @SF as I found Chinatown this time.
With a fantastic vietnam restaurant, a cheap (in American standard) and delicious Taiwanese crispy chicken and my favorite souvenir shops, Chinatown is really a wonderful place!
回家時乖乖follow google map路果然好走許多,而且還很lucky的在一家不賴的餐廳吃ㄈㄜˊ,還出現"便宜"又好吃的鹹酥雞,china town是買紀念品的好地方,
Went clubbing with Irene tonight; really not my kind of place but did witness the lesson that don’t leave your drink unattended if you plan to drink it later....:S
Sour is not sour but sweet by the way. :P
- Aug 07 Sun 2011 12:14
花街、漁人碼頭、中國城 @SF