Again woke up on time; I guess the point is how attractive the first thing is after waking up....:P
Girls on the other side, always need much more time than guys to make up before starting a day I guess.
We also lost some time as we got a bit lost.
Anyways it’s the Universal Studio @Orlando day!!
Since Muchun and I had more interest in the rides than taking pictures and shopping, we started our rush lining day separately.
There are so many people here, probably both because of the thanksgiving break and the newly-opened Harry Porter theme park here so it took at least an hour and sometimes two for most of the rides; I did think about the express pass under the burning sun........quite an attracting business product here.....lol
The Harry Porter- dragon challenge ride is really exciting, totally worthwhile for the three hour waiting; meanwhile the waiting line was carefully designed that the path leads people into Harry Porter’s story.
the only problem I had is my fear of my slippers flying away....:P
The 4D Harry Porter ride in the Hogwards castle is superb, both the ride itself and the single player line!
Water rides is always the ride to take as Orland belongs to subtropical weather and the rides do make one wet TOTALLY.
As a result, my International driving license had gone wet along with my underwear....:S
Luckily my passport survived; make sense now why the passport is much more expensive. :P
We spent so much time in Harry Porter land that we didn’t get to superhero area before evening; luckily we still saw a parade of heroes.
Then of course it’s time of endless roller coaster rides.
I really like the 4D Spiderman ride as well as the Hawks!
For a perfect ending, we went back to Harry Porter land and played the dragon challenge twice more; there were much fewer people after dawn!
*Just FYI, the red dragon is more exciting than the blue one in my opinion...lol
The best news for me today: I still had my slippers under my butt after the last ride! :P
As I bought some Universal Studio souvenirs before leaving, I decided not to dine in the restaurant but to have toast & bacon back in the hotel; glad we have a small kitchen in our room!
早上成功起床again,所以重點是要出去玩就可以早起..... :P
早上到處都是人,動不動就是要排隊一個小時,差點就把人逼瘋去買express pass,而且前兩個.....有點虛...
之後排到哈利波特時眾人都歡呼了....:P 不過這個ride確實夠刺激!! 只是一直怕屁股下的拖鞋飛出去打死另一台車上的人害我不敢好好享受;
3D蜘蛛人更是NICE可惜拍之前相機前面忘了放眼鏡,最後再回Harry Porter那玩兩輪,不愧是一尾十萬,紅龍比藍龍還high!! (冷)
總之今天的拖鞋保衛戰成功!! 不過因為買了超多紀念品所以就不去吃晚餐了,培根土司繼續陪我過日子!!
- Nov 26 Fri 2010 10:13