The class on Monday morning always eats up the happiness and energy gained in the weekend. To retrieve my little happiness, I decided to have Moe’s for lunch; the only that can make it better would be a free Wifi in house I believe....!
There’s a comedian visiting campus tonight. Only understand about 50% as I was, I still had lots of fun and laughed a lot.
There were sparkles and lightnings in the micro-waver as I didn’t remove the silver cover so I ended up having the lunchbox I made earlier.
Another lonely night in the office alone, it’s tougher than I thought to remain calm.....some words just can’t hep but spilt out.
What will it be?
一個人深夜在實驗室,心防似乎特別脆弱一不小心就對某人說出了不該說的話.... 飽暖思淫慾....囧
Another day started with oversleep; I do understand how unpractical it is to hope for an acceptable test result only by studying for half an hour before test.
There’s a kuso version Shakespeare drama today in the luxurious auditorium; it’s fun even though I can understand probably 10% only.
A cute girl said hi during half time; not until I returned to my seat did I realize she was on the wind tunnel trip as well. :P
Cooked barbecue sauced noddle with veggie as dinner.
又賴床了,半小時狂啃講義,不過考試還是有不會的@@.....希望成績可以見人 :S
中場出來上廁所有個nice的美國妞跟我打招呼;是跳傘社的,HOW NICE!!
回家煮了個沙茶蔬菜麵吃,GOOD 不過洗碗槽的排水好像堵住了@@
The class was still boring in the morning; I wonder if the professor prepared before class or not.....
There are free beef today in the lunch; though I don’t eat beef but I had a good time chatting with girls so it’s still a blast.
What’s more, I got my first banana here in the states which is actually pretty nice!
Another great news today is that the Chinese classmate in my office decided to join our Thanksgiving trip to Florida; now the transportation issue is finally solved; the only problem left is to finish three reports before vacation starts....:S
There’s an activity “fashion for a cause” tonight, hosted by America's next top model winner, who’s really pretty and the show itself was also meaningful, discussing about some global issue.
Also, it’s probably the only other time than an underwear show on which the dress seems wearable...lol
My night snack tonight is fries and ice cream.
Yelling with my mom on Skype due to technical problems again......go get another Microphone would you please....? :S
中午的免費午餐端出了免費牛肉!! 囧 我又不吃牛...:( 不過跟大陸妹聊得挺開心就算是不虛此行;喔,而且我吃了在美國的第一根香蕉,出乎意料的還不錯!
晚上去Fashion for a cause,主持人似乎是超級名模生死鬥的第四季冠軍,是挺漂亮的;主持的show也算有意義(討論到蠻多全球議題),SHOW的衣服也難得是看起來可以日常穿的!
Again an early morning call from the fire alarm.
Performed a good efficiency in the morning; the same problem occurs after starting the computers however.
Had a little fight with my roommate due to cleaning problems; it’s always a good habit to clean dishes I believe.
There are two movies showing this week: the first one is “the other guy”; quite a funny movie.
The next one is “Inception.” There are already people waiting outside before eight o’clock; well.......I’ll come back later as the main thing tonight is my Latin dance class.
The moves today are hard; I really had a hard time :(
A bowling alley near campus is open to students for free tonight and I was lucky to squeeze in the last seat in the only van as I was the only one going alone. :S
In addition to a color-changing cup, I also met some new friends and was able to play together with them.
Considering the fact that I didn’t even remember when the last time I play bowling was, I think a score over a hundred should be pretty acceptable. :P
The conversation with them ends after they started talking about music; lacking of vocabularies just hurt me again.
Skyped with mom finally got better as she changed a new microphone.
Talked with my roommate after arriving home; the problem is still the same as always; maybe I just can’t get alone with people in a short while.... :(
火災警報Morning call,果然只要起床出門就可以很有效率,
接下來去跳舞,今天都很難抓到動作要怎麼做,不小心就遜掉了 :(
之後去Russel house前面跟很多人一起等車,居然只有一台箱型車接送,好險我幸運的搭上了車,還認識了一群很nice的大一美國人;
上次打真的保齡球是什麼時候我都不記得了...還好有破百沒有再繼續Asian sucks下去,
要走之前還拿到了一個裝了冰飲料會變紅色的杯子! HOW NICE!!
不過之後聊音樂就明顯沒梗...單字量還是不夠 :(
回家之後上演大合解戲碼? 說真的問題一直都在那,只是要不要承認&要多計較而已,反正在想到好方法前我好像不太適合跟人變熟= =
Woke up early and went to the office; just lack of an impulse to study though so I started writing postcards and Facebook.
I thought I was invited to join the climbing experience but it turned out to be basketball and volley ball playing; still fun though but I’m gonna need a more reliable jump shot skill to beat Jason.
By the way, the facilities in the new gym is better both in quantity and quality than the old one; probably it’s time to start the weight training plan.
I went to the movie “Inception” tonight, really really a good movie while I was kind of confused due to some vocabularies they used so I watched it again as soon as I got the night snack ready. Second time is always much better but watching this movie truly takes energy so I went to bed after showering and cleaning the dishes.
A simple experiment has been conducted and again we get the same result: it’s harder to wake up is the alarm clock is reachable from lying on the bed.
Finished the remaining part of Inception with breakfast; quite lazy I know.
Then I spent lots of time searching on the Internet for more details about Inception; there are simply much more things other people had already noticed while I didn’t!
I received an email and went to a party, which seemed to be for people 40 or older maybe......and then I found my not only missing the chance to go to strip club last night but also another party.
Well......being alone is simply aimless.....:S
到研究室上網發現昨天錯過了脫衣舞! 都不揪的....然後剛剛又錯過了party,雖然是沒人邀我啦...
Woke up early successfully by using the “kick” idea from the movie “Inception.”
The laundry didn’t go well; I guess I just put in to many clothes again.
After cooking, the remaining day lacked of efficiency: I went watching a drama at a 360 degree stage; the performance itself is a bit hard to understand...
While I still haven’t planned the details of thanksgiving break and military service, the NBA game between the Suns and the Lakers is really really good!
Felt a bit unease; maybe it’s time to sleep! :P
兵役的事情越來越有眉目了,不過還是很麻煩 = =;然後又還有假期安排等問題還沒解決;
三個報告都還沒做耶!!!不管了先回家睡覺再說= =
- Nov 15 Mon 2010 17:58