Had a small retirement ceremony for my jean which had accompanied me for almost three years.

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After putting my stuff at Cheng’s room and saying goodbye to everyone, I went to school to get the deposit refund.

Finally for the first time I met the ticket check on my last trip to school!

But I got on the wrong bus on the way back so I missed the train to Switzerland and went back to the dorm it’s just like showing the campus suitcase to my suitcase....not a smart move :S

So I went buying some bread, which in addition to my camera are my best traveling companion in Europe at the nearby supermarket.

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I bumped into Christina at the station while I missed another train; now I have to transfer more trains and even a boat to go to Switzerland.

The hostel is again upstairs of a bar but it’s close to the station.

Just as always, the owner is hospitable and the food smells really good............I just couldn't help!!


跟牛仔褲說掰掰,順利Check out!



送禮看到好料的:P 瑞士食材採購完畢(想想似乎去哪都有帶上這麵包) Christina已經在車站以逸代勞了!!

又miss一班車,只好瘋狂轉車; 雨過天晴又下雨又天晴.... 我幹嘛把耳機放在大行李箱阿(囧)

轉車的地方很詭異 才發現原來是要坐船!!

猜火車猜錯邊~ 好險外面都在下雨沒差, 瑞士的IC跟ICE根本就一樣....而且窗戶都被亂畫....

hostel又是bar的樓上 不過離車站很近 老闆很熱情 食物太香害我忍不住就點了...這裡充滿了韓國人&蒼蠅....囧

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