
It suddenly turns so cold today!!

Not a pleasant walking experience on the relatively dirty streets in Berlin.

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But we finally made it to the parliament house this morning.

The view is Awesome while the admission fee along with the audio tour is FREE! “Ich liebe Deutchland!” (I love Germany :P)


Passing through Brandenburger Tor, how can one resist to take picture with these two guys!? :P (Their costumes are the models used in traffic lights in Germany)

(There are lots of street artist in special costumes around Brandenburger Tor; remember to tip them if you want to take pictures with them though~)

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In the afternoon we went to museum Island, where most of the famous museums located.

I believe each of them deserves a whole day to visit while we really don’t have that much time so we just quickly walked it through.

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I was really impressive that they have a whole ancient building along with its wall, temple, etc in one of the museum; amazing!

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As we weren't able to find the museum of Holocaust, we ended up at the museum of Jews, which showed a terrible atmosphere of Holocaust but its main theme was actually introducing the Jewish culture. After hearing how much fun Yiping had as he found the Holocaust museum which is free of entry.................well.........maybe it would be even better if we could find it too!

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As Berlin was used to be divided into West and East, Checkpoint Charlie is another famous tourist spot as one side of the picture is American army while the other side is German solider.

I also went into a department store to check Rimowa suitcase and knives from Zwilling J.A, both are requested from others.

I almost bought the knives there while the drawer somehow just wouldn’t open so I ended up buying nothing.


As Damien wanted to watch the world cup, we walked in a nearby restaurant and it cost me almost twenty euros to have a plain dinner!
冷到掉渣!! 柏林環境其實挺髒的,國會大廈不用$但好棒;



check point Charlie +終於逛到Riomawa & 雙人牌 差點就買了好險抽屜神秘的打不開


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