The schedule this morning is to visit National Palace museum.

We arrived before the museum opens; it's my first time to come here so early....@@

But Hong Kong friends bring a big flag.........they are so well-prepared for taking pictures!!


After viewing some most famous exhibitions, some of my team members and I went outside the museum to the graden beside.


Then we went to science have lunch!?

It has really been a long time since the last time I came to this museum and meanwhile the first time I have meals here......

We went to center of Taipei city in the afternoon, passing by the president's house but only stayed for five minutes due to the heavy rain outside.

Then we went to CKS memorial hall; the rain stopped here but we didn't have enough time to go buying postcards. :(


In the afternoon there's a seminar of technology across the starit in NTU alumni's house, which I didn't even know its existence in the past four years.

They invited a man who's called as "The Edison of Taiwan" and several Maucu students.

The Taiwanese Edison is really an amazing person to have invented so many useful things!

We had dinner with those Maucu students to night;

it's also a chance to meet new friends in other teams but Roy was outgoing person that kept on talking and talking......a little bit confusing...:S

Then we went back to the hotel; they have to make a discussion and write a report about the seminar this afternoon- how diligent!

Due to the tiring schedule today, I not only fell aslept but also snored during their discussion. :P

We rushed out back after they finished their discussion paper, only to find that Taipei 101 wasn't lighted up today.

What's worse, we spent too much time on discussion so we didn't have time to go to the top of Taipei 101 and see the view of Taipei city.

We went to the department stores near by and Elite bookstore as a backup plan.


Then we come back to our hotel for the roll call but went outside again to the night market and returned until almost three in the morning!

Since it's really "early," we decided not to sleep and played poker card and chated until getting on the bus @ 7:00 in the morning!

I found that a card game with the same name in Taiwan and Hong Kong has a big difference in game rules- now it is cultural exchange!


史上最短故宮旅! 逛逛至善園卡實在

科博館吃午餐!? 有創意........


中正紀念堂時間不夠買明信片啦 DAMN!


講座請到了台灣發明之神? 真的假的....?


討論時睡著還打呼 >\\<

直衝101 燈沒開是哪招 只好誠品加減逛


三點return 直達天明之香港大老二好神秘

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