I took the graduate pictures last Saturday.

Congratulations to those who showed up the last minute, able to get in the group picture in time.

It's always a complex feeling to take this type of picture, feeling happy and uncerntain for the upcoming future.

Where will these people in the same picture now be in the next five, ten or twenty years?

Sometimes I wonder what I had been through and learned in the past four years.

Maybe I am a better person before entering college than after.

I think the photographer is really a funny person that made every of us laughed.

I often feel belong to no group whenever facing situation like this.

Is it a choice or a custom to be alone?

I feel bad after taking the picture.

However, couple of days later I was asked of a question.

"If a person jumps out of a plane without a parachute, how long can he live?"

The answer is not "t=(2h/g)exp0.5," the very first thought appeared in my mind at that instant.

The wise and encouraging answer I learned here is "the rest of his life."

Share with you, my friends, or whoever happens to see this article.

The rest of his life- what a brilliant and profound answer!

That's all we have and should be used with wisdom since we can never return to the earlier stage of our lives!

So I rethought about myself.

I've been blue these couple of days without knowing what's the cause and who to blame for.

Then I suddenly realized the very person who always made me down is no one else but exactly myself!

Now I understand why I'm not a an enchanting person.

How could I bring other people joyfulness before I can do to my own?

I shall be a better man to be more appealing.

But knowing is not enough.

Even one knows the shortest cut to success, he still needs time and effort to travel from the start to the goal.

I'll make it, starting with the two basic rules to train myself.

Tough it may be, I shall try........hard.

I've handed in the application for exchange student.

The game had started!

Time will tell~








幾年過後 這些在同一張照片上燦爛笑著的人們

又會在地球的哪個角落 發生怎麼樣的故事 臉上掛著怎麼樣的表情呢?




當自己是最常讓自己down的人時 要怎麼期待來自別人的愛?

即使知道最快的路 還是需要時間從起點走到終點

開始吧 兩個訓練

骰子已經丟出去了 接下來 就看命運的安排吧

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