09.19 day 14

I am the first one to wake up in our room, meanwhile the only one who was able to catch up for the breakfast.

We are sleeping roomates :P

After packing my our luggage, it's time to complete the powerpoint of our final presentation!

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We ended up the best in final presentation; because I have professional licence for presentation! :P

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Then we took the subway to Tokyo University.

Since it's rush hour, we truly experienced the Japanese commute culture.

As beautiful Japanese ladies suqeezed onto me.....I can totally understand why there would be 癡漢 on the train...

It's so luring...!! :P

Then we got dressed for the farewell party, which is not so pleasant since we just took all of our luggage all the way through the crowded subway so we really wanted to take a shower before the farewell party.

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We had our farewell party at Tokyo University tonight, though there's really noting fun during the party.

Luckily we Taiwanese are good at making the condition fun and the Japanese girls are really beautiful!

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Then we went to our hotel tonight after the shortest party I've ever had.

The room tonight really sucks.....neither internet nor TV was available.


We were almost unable to take a shower since the public shower closed before we enjoyed it.

So we went to the staff's rooms, which are single rooms with all the devices we would need and we want....= =

Since tomorrow we have to return our Pasmo, the charging card to take the public transportation, we went to a convenience store which can use Pasmo to pay to use up all the remaining dollars.

We ended up spending more than twenty thousand Yen!

The clerk must have consider us very strange:P

So we went back to our room drinking and chatting.

But some people apparently shouldn't drink too much. :P


"早起"收行李 當房裡第一個起床的人 也是唯一一個吃到早餐的人


Presentation 拿冠軍

硬要去東大辦很遜的farewell 體驗電車沙丁魚 妹仔自己衝上來讓人好害羞>\\\<



差點洗不到澡 房間差的有點誇張了


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