09.13 Day 8

Curl woke up even earlier than I did this morning and prepared breakfast for me!!

What a nice person he is!!!


Since Curl has jobs to do this morning, I took my luggage to Shinjuku station to meet Nobu.

Nobu brought a new friend who also knows Manammi and Naoko- perfect person!!

After putting luggage, we went to 明治神宮.


Before entering, we have to wash our hands and mouth before entering.

Good happen that I have professional Japanese guides and we are lucky to just bump into a wedding!!

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But Mr. Meji is really not very nice..

I don't have 5 yen coin, which is said to be the best coin for making wish.

And I don't want to use a 100 or 500 one so I used a 1 yen coin.

The first time I tried to throw it and I got rejected since the coin hit the front of the box and returned.

And the second time the coin unbelievably rolled along the bar of the coin box to the other side.

Mr. Meji seems a little greedy.....

Come on!! He already has such a big garden and his own treasure museum!!


But my favorite soda drink has a big package here at a very nice price!!


And we were lucky to meet the high school archery competition- how nice!!

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We were fooled by a magic item's really not a nice place for me....

Then we went having lunch.

The best thing in Japan is that even if in a chain restaurant the food is still delicated :)


Naoko joined us in the afternoon and we went to Harajuku, another famous place I had heard before.

It's a place with lots of girls dressing in lollita style.

The dressing is fancy while the girls.............hmm..........not so attracting.....

But here is also famous for crepes; there're so many flavors!!

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Since Curl is busy tonight so I can't stay at his place so I have my first hotel experience today.


The price is awfully expensive........luckily I only have to try once during my Tokyo trip this time :)

We had dinner with some Stanford sophomore students Naoko acquainted during her internship this year.

They are really nice people~!

But the best thing here is that I successfully took a picture with the beautiful clerk!!


Yeah my spring is coming, just like the draw from the temple at Asakusa showed- hope so!!

I stayed in my room in Shibuya without going anywhere since there are so many cards I have to write.

But I did watch another Japanese sport game on TV!



明治天皇人很不nice 連外面變魔術的傢伙也是!!

原宿街頭羅莉塔+可麗餅 終於第一次shopping

跟新的外國人一起吃飯 Stanford二年級氣勢很強@@

終於成功的一起拍照 春天真的來了啦 多謝雷神大人!!

很乖沒有亂跑的呆在飯店 還有好多東西要寫 哭哭

從電視看相撲 好像有點弱!?

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