The course in the morning is about medical and biological science industry which is.........kind of boring since it's a little bit tough and less interesting...

So I spent most of the time watching the commic- one piece through my laptop on a website I found recently where I can find the latest commics.

Looking around and I found that other people..................just fell asleep XD

The lunch today is a little bit "not enough" since we have only a short span of lunch time due to that we're going visiting the companies this afternoon.

And our team are going visiting Bayer Taiwan, which is actually a large company but due to the fact that they often provided materials rather than directlly selling goods, I have never heard it's name before.

The haedquarter of Bayer Taiwan is located at the 55th floor of the tallest building in Taiwan, Taipei 101.


It's the first to take the fast elevator but not to the top floor.

And the view is still gorgeous even it's only half tall of the total building.

What I think the coolest is that I saw a convenience store there with a great view.... must be enjoyable to have a cup of coffee there near the big window.

The company had their three managers in each department introduce the status about the company now, which really surprised me since they are taking our visit so seriously.


And we also got some souvenirs -a wireless mouse and other gifts.

However, we didn't have a chance to walk around the office and see what's working here really like, which I felt kind of sad since that I really anticipated that.....

Then we headed to Mcdonald's again tonight to continue the discussion.........


yes....the ineffeicient discussion ~"~

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