有些人說過: 咖摸,你會找到你的那個女孩的

有些人說 你幹麻不去找個女朋友

Some people said "Derrick, you'll find the very girl that belongs to you."

Some of my best friends said "Hey Derrick, why don't you get a girlfriend?"



如果真的那麼簡單的話 :(

Hey, actually I do really want to, if it's that simple :(

起初 我也很納悶






原來 竟是如此困難的一件事

At first, I also wondered if it's really that hard to have a crush on the right one.

Then I found the greatest application of the theory of collision.


或許拼了命的製造機會 甚至降低了標準

How eager I was toward a relationship.

I tried so hard to create opportunities.

I even lowered my standard to the extreme.

有的時候 好像已經摸到了邊





Sometimes it seemed so close and she seemed to be the right one.

We became closer and closer, yet turned out to be farther and farther till we became two strangers after we missed the second that two hearts were the closest.




那種看對眼了就衝 不用考慮以後 可以不顧一切的愛 應該是年輕人才有的專利吧

How many couples can maintain friendship after breaking up?

Let alone those whose friendship froze after a failed confession.

Love at first sight, love can overcome everything, I think this enthusiasm is privilege belonging the teenagers only.


花了許多的時間 精力



I spent much time and effort, trying to find what I've been looking for, only ended up with countless heart-braking moment.

Is it not proper to seek for relationship for who that's afraid to be hurt?

找到喜歡的人不難 但是"我愛你"是一個不知道內容的盒子

可能就此得到了幸福 卻也可能從此斷結了與那個人的可能

告訴喜歡的人我有多愛她是很危險的 在我確定我愛的人也愛我之前

不是懦弱 而是害怕就此失去一個珍貴的人 所以才拒絕了自己獲得愛的可能性

最可怕的就是你對一個人信任 卻發現他不值得

It's not a problem to find a girl I like.

The setence "I love you" is like a mysterious box.

It may be a box filled with chocolate that one can be happy ever after.

But it could also possibly be the Pandora's box that would cut the link toward the other person.

It's dangerous let her know how much I love her before I know my beloved also loves me.

It's not lack of courage, on the contrast, it's to avoid losing the precious person so as to cut the possibility of love.

The most horrible thing is to trust one person and found it not trust-worthy afterward.


那麼可不可能命中注定 一個人?

If destiny does exist, could it possibly, in addition to the destined mate, doom to be alone?

現在的我 或許是受了經濟學的影響

在愛情投資學裡 我學會了設立停損點-越設越高

不想又被套在高點 這不是個我說不賣 就不賣的交易

又或者這個年紀的愛情其實已經變成Lemon market-留下來的都有問題...?


不需要鮮花 浪漫的餐廳 更不需要費盡心思的參測對方的心情

一切的出路 原來全部都回到了經濟學最簡單的供需原理

As an influence of Economy perhaps, I learned to set up the cutting point- higher and higher in the investment of love.

I don't want to get stuck at a high price- it's not a deal that I can just hold and wait.

Maybe love at this timing is like the lemon market, all the good ones had been picked up already.

If one's in pursuit of the greatest efficiency, there's no need of flower nor a romantic but expensive restaurant, let alone getting exhausted in guessing the other's thoughts.

All the answers go back to the most foundamental principle of Economy- the rules of demand and supply.



在意的人 怎樣都好 不在意的人 管你去死


各取所需 一個願打一個願挨

I agree the saying "Love can't be explained."

One simple but important issue in love is that how much one cares results in how much he can endure.

It's about willingness, desire and exchange.

但若問 這世界上是否有真愛



只是太稀少 太昂貴


I do believe in true love, however.

It's something so rare that it requires a great fortune to acquire.

為了不愛我的人而活 就像是 追尋天鵝的癩蝦摸一樣的傻又不切實際

因為活著應該要是一件快樂的 幸福的事情

在那獨一無二的愛來臨之前 對自己好一點 先充實自己 變成更有吸引力的人

找尋 一個人也能享受的快樂 趁單身 享受單身

Pursuing whoever having no interest in me is silly and impratical as wanting to catch winds with bare hands.

Everyone strives for happiness.

Before the one and only girl who would live with me happily ever after appears,

be nice to myself, making myself more knowledgeable and attractive,

find happiness that is available to one person, too,

enjoy single life when being single.


I pick up a song that describes my thoughts best!

作曲:Keith Stuart 
編曲:Keith Stuart

你問在我心中 是否還苦惱
那次受傷 否決了愛的好
謝謝你的關照 我一切都好
一個人 不算困擾

You asked if I'm still suffering inside.

That hurting experience rejected all the good views of love.

Thanks for the care, I'm doing ok.

Being alone is not bothering me.

卻不能為了寂寞 又陷了泥沼

Though love is beautiful, I can't stick in again due to loneliness.

愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找 感覺很重要
寧可空白了手 等候一次 真心的擁抱
我相信在這個世界上 一定會遇到
對的人出現 (在眼角)

It takes great patience to wait and to seek.

Feeling is important.

I would rather remain alone to wait for a sincere embrace.

I believe I will meet the right one to appear in the world.

那次流過的淚 讓我學習到
如何祝福 如何轉身不要
在眼淚體會到 與自己擁抱
愛不是一種需要 是一種對照

Those tears had taught me how to bless and how to reject.

Learn to hug myself in tears.

Love is not a need but a comparison.

當我想清楚的時候 我就算已經準備好
放手去愛 海闊天高 oh~~ya~~

How much I am willing to pay for one love and don't care for how much the return would be.

I'm ready to love without hesitation when I figure out that question.

我在等你 就在這裡

This is Derrick, if you saw this article, you are not along.

This is Derrick, I'm still waiting here.

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