It's another movie I've just watched recently.

I thought it would simply be a comedy at first impression from my friends.

However, I think it's more than that since it's actually like the way my thoughts transition.

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Despite being hardly pressed by the coming deadline of Lexus brand image raising competition, I watched all the three volumns of High School Musical after giving the series three a try.

And I simply fell in love with this movie so that I quickly acquired the volume 2 and 1.

Despite I believe it would be a better experience to start from the first volume so that one would have a better

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Second week

After going to school for one week, I found that my schedule can fit in at most 30 credits and sit in another 6 credits.'s gonna be really "interesting" if I actually put that into practice.

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There shouldn't be only one and zero while that I don't really need to have a "pure English" blog so from now on I would keep the short Chinese note version in every article.

總之就是以後每篇最底下會有中文 不過很短就是了

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