*The name of Balboa park is translated by me intentionally :P
Slept almost twelve hours so it’s almost noon when left the hostel.
During my sleeping hours, Vicki had already found companion for trip to Yellow Stone NP; that is efficiency!
- Jul 26 Tue 2011 11:58
波波亞公園 @San Diego
- Jul 25 Mon 2011 23:41
Comic-Con @San Diego
- Jul 24 Sun 2011 00:13
魔術城堡+好萊塢招牌 @L.A.
- Jul 23 Sat 2011 22:18
比佛利山莊+星光閃閃好萊塢 @L.A.
Woke up and joined the walking tour to Beverly Hills; what we were able to see was merely the gates and tree-covered walls of mansions owned by rich people;
Despite we did see Nicolas Cage driving, I don’t see the need to pay our guide as he only talked to the guard through speaker that looks like a stone......