TAC has a Christmas party on Christmas's Eve.
Pretty much a good news for whoever haven't had a plan yet while I had a final exam exactly on Christmas Day.
But who cares!?
Have fun when it's available!
We dined at a pretty nice but crowded restaurant tonight.
A Christmas party is never completed without gift changing.
Of course I didn't get what I want the most but it is still an entertaining activity.
The minimum mandatory cost tonight is NT550!
That's pretty much and we ended up too much food at last......a rarely seen problem resulted from too many girls..
I think that's why businessmen always make lots of effort to promote Christmas.....
Christmas Eve is fun but it is not the case on Christmas day; I had my first final exam!
I was late for the exam for more than thirty minutes since I was studying the last couple of chapers I failed to finish last night since I went to bed immediately after arriving home from TAC party.
Hope the grade won't be too embarrassing.....
The score for applying graduate school and the result of my application to join a camp in winter vacation are revealed today.
Both are below my expectation; got rejected "again" to join the camp and the score is really way below average....
What's worse, my TOELF score being only 99 rather than 100 just kept me from some prestigious schools.
Plan B seems to meet some troubles here.......time will tell.......hopelly a good result.
I dressed formally to a ballroom dance party in NCCU with my friends.
Trust me guys, here is just the paradise for lonely boys.
I met and danced with lots of beautiful girls here while there are more yet to have a chance to acquaint with.
It would take more than five hours to know all of them I guess.
I took a picture with a beautiful girl but lost her contact information.....
Let's see how internet can work this time! :P
I want to find this cute girl!
The weather is chilly but the heart is more than satisfied. :)
I'm glad I drove tonight but my feet are truly sore when I arrived home; I stood the whole night!
The last excitement during the Christmas weekend is the replay of "The Dark Knight" on HBO.
Obviously it's more like a "joker" movie than a "batman" movie. :P
I believe in Joker :P
TAC 聖誕趴
聖誕節的期末考+兩槍 (交換學生&SITE)
- Dec 29 Tue 2009 01:00
Christmas weekend