The alarm was dead.
Luckily my roomate,Toshiya had waken me up!
But we found that Thomas and his roomate were still sleeping in their room!!
So we quickly got them up and had them ready.
come on!!
today is the day we're going to SF!!
It took such a long time to walk[no shuttle bus on weekend] from our dormitory to the caltrain station
Caltrain is something like this
Actually the fee is not that expensive @@
It takes only $5.75 for a ride from Pala Alto to SF.
And there's a discount for group people.
It takes about one and a half hour for the train ride.
Upon getting on the train, everyone was crazy taking pictures.
However, half an hour later, they ended up looking like this.
I guess that everyone just went through a full and tiring week.
Everything here caught our attention, it's about American!! XD
Our first stop is a place full of painting on the walls and houses along the street.
And we took many many pictures.
The painting I like the most here is this one- the escalator on the wall.
We were close to Castro district,the famous gay area in SF.
We didn't go there, but I think I'll go one day, either for those famous lounge bars at night(I just wanted to take a look!! I'm not gay.) or for those nice-looking t-shirts, which my English teacher in cram school during my high school time strongly recommended.
We went to a famous(they said so) bakery here.
I didn't buy any, since that I don't like to try new things actually....especially when some of them looked strange....
But I did tasted some, I tried on what others bought ^^
And as I expected, despite most of them are yummy, some of them are really not my taste.
We went to Goden Bridge Park, to picnic at noon.
There are museums in the park.
And the view from the top of the museum is great!!
Then we took a bus to the Godenbridge.
Godenbrige, a familiar name for civilengineering students,always described as tall, significant, marvelous
but...........not that tall actually~ XD
And of course it's again picture taking time around and on the bridge.
Then we went to a store near Fisherman's Wharf which is famous of its chocolate and icecream, where we had icecream and I bought chocolate.
After that we went to the Fisherman's Wharf.
There are so many special people, stores, and all kinds of things here.
There is an interesting bakery here.
They have basket traveling on the ceiling which they can put bread in.
It's like the film "Chocolate factory."
And they make bread with special looks.
And then we went to Pier 39, a place one can't miss in a trip to the Fisherman's Wharf.
It was a name of a dock but now it became a combination of restaurants and other stores.
There was a magic item shop there, which I didn't find anything interesting or useful inside.
But what interested me most is that there was a magician performing on the stage outside.
But I didn't watch it for a long time, it's not that interesting, either.
We went through the building and saw the famous Alcatraz Island.
We didn't get onto the island this time, but I remeber I had been to there ten years ago
Ten years...
Am I that old to count time in a unit "ten years" ?
Woops...... that's half of my life .......
Another special thing here is to watch the sea lions.
We had dinner there, we planed to eat in a nice restaurants but failed to get in without reservation.
Instead, we just arbitrary found one and dinned inside.
I was quite tired and cold so I didn't order anything but fell asleep in the restaurant.
After dinner, we headed back to campus.
We were the second group to arrive back to the campus.
And the last group came back riding the last train available and arrived the dorm at about two o'clock in the morning.
Of course.... it's Jerm's group..... they got lost again and almost missed the last train that they had to "run" on SF street to get to the caltrin station in time!!
There's a special activity for our group tonight.
We're going to sleep together in one room >\\\
And when I got up again, everyone's about to leave.
And at last Thomas, Nguyen and me slept in Lily and Eriko's room while other students in our host group went back to their rooms.
- Oct 08 Wed 2008 16:36
08.02 day 7