Toshi slept late in the morning while I left his dorm after checking some tourist information on line.
The first place to visit today is Westminseter abbey but I didn't buy the ticket to get in since I've visited St. Paul's church the other day.
So I just took some pictures outside the Westminseter abbey then I headed to the next tourist spot- the Parliament house.
Though it's not open to public, the Parliament house and the Big Ben are simply places one can't miss for a visit to London. It's just a quick walk by in the rain, though.
Then it's time for my favorite musical in the afternoon.
I got a good offer from TKTS for the show "Chicago" but I almost fell asleep during the show;
maybe I expected too much for it.
Avenue Q in the evening, however, not only had student deal on Saturday nights but also surprised me with its content;
now I am a big fan of it!
I took the double deck bus, one of the characteristic products of London, back to Toshiya's place;
I think I've figured out the bus system in London!
Went to bed early before 11 since I need to get up early tomorrow morning for the dress parade.
Toshi真的蠻會睡的...自己前往西敏寺(Westminseter abbey)拍拍照,
一點都不笨的大笨鐘(Big Ben), 國會大樓(Parliament house),
禮拜六晚上也有學生票的Avenue Q歌好聽梗好笑又好懂實在是就甘心;
本日參透了倫敦的BUS system! 11點就睡覺的健康生活!
- May 29 Sat 2010 13:29