After waiting for really long, Haruka, who I acquainted from 2008ALC1 finally visited Taiwan this week.
She came with her friends for graduation trip so only arranged the last day to meet us.
I went picking her up from her hotel in the morning with my bike; I hope her first & second bike riding experience in Taiwan weren't too exciting for her...:P
Due to the limited time, we only walked around NTU campus and had lunch together this time.
On the way back, I was stopped by the police due to my violation of a ridiculous traffice rule in Taiwan........a relatively special but meanwhile expensive TLC experience I offered, I think.
Damn the stupid traffic laws in Taiwan! = =
Today is the final game of high school basketball league this year.
SSSH again made it to the finals.
There are sooooooooooooo many people in NTU gym this afternoon!
Even though most of the time we were fallen behind, SSSH school team members amazingly performed a reversed victory!
It's really the best game ever!
Hmm..........But I'm really sorry to my friend since I stood her up and canceled our date due to the delayed but exciting ball game.
Sorry...........please give me a chance to date you again >__
It is fabulous but I seldom scream during the concert since I already went out of voice after the ball game. :P
Though the stage is not so special compared to other concerts, her singing skill truly entertained every audience.
It's my first time to see a singer let the audience to pick songs for her to sing!
Hmm...........from the two incidents today, I think one can always be noticed and succeed as long as he's ready..........when can I be ready then..?
HBL 超熱血逆轉勝!
sorry 晶婷...
心得:有實力 總會被看見!
The dust storm is crazy today!
Taipei city was totally covered under a gray.........or maybe a liitle bit brown sky.
I invited my friend acquainted in cram school during senior high to go watching sakura together today.
The place is quite famous for sakura but I have to say...........far below my expectation.....
Is it because my friends often upload the beautiful pictures in Japan?? :P
But the most important things is that my friend is really beautiful now!!
Well goes the Chinese saying, a girl will look totally different after her eighteenth birthday!
Then we went Danshui tonight, another place I haven't been to for quite a long while.
I went to a night market which is near NTU but I've never been there in the last four years of my college life;
I really, really, should have given it a try earlier!
I also went watching the 3D I-MAX movie "Alice" later tonight.
The movie itself is not so interesting but the 3D effect is pretty nice; even the advertisement of other movies are performed in 3D effects!
Maybe someday in the future it would be hard for a kid to imagine movie without 3D effects........and people at my age are recognized as senior citizens then...
Recently I happened to be viewing old pictures since I start to use some functions of Windows 7 that allows me to view pictures on desktop and screen protector.
Well.....it makes people sentimental when seeing some old pictures and I'm of no exception.
出訪南機場 是個吃晚餐的好地方!!
整理照片 感觸良多@@
My original summer plan to fly to the states after visiting Europe faced tough challenges due to the annoying military training restrictions in Taiwan. :(
Hmm..........does this mean that I can arrange other schedule in between, then? :P
3/26, 27 & 28
Both my parents went out for three days; now I'm the only one at home.....should I hold a party to celebrate this?? :P
What's more, my tutor student keeps on skipping classes recently so I really have lots of time to stay home alone.
Lonely? Quite some, luckily I have my hardisk as my most loyal companion. =ˇ=
I also joined a group dating this weekend, which is a total disaster; it's my first time to experience such terrible dating schedule....
To begin with, other boys were late for one hours, kept the girl waiting.
Second, the route and plan they arranged were miserable.
Hmm.........so somehow the professionalism I learned during college was actually arranging playing schedules rather than civil engineering?
I rode a mountain way back alone to enjoy the riding fun but the mist on the mountains was so thick that I can see nothing and can hardly moved forward with a speed lower than 20km/hr...
What's worse, I broke the monitor of my cellphone again, damn!
寂寞 就讓硬碟來陪伴
約妹可以遲到一小時 厲害
有練習有差之我是聯誼KING? XD
Riding fun之 半夜起霧的巴拉卡好可怕:P
一個人有點孤單 但我有我的PRIDE 我的PROUD
I visited Fu Jen Catholic university this morning, a school famous for beautiful girls that I've long wanted to visit but just couldn't find a chance.
In addition to the beautiful campus and girls here, there are many departments that aren't set in NTU.
The restaurant run by the department of restaurant, hotel and institutional management was so popular that we can't get in without reservation.
NTU should have such department as well!
Delicious food, beautiful girls.............what would it be if I went to FJU rather than NTU four years ago??
Another good question that I can never know the answer.
But who cares, I enjoy my life now; Amor fati!
校園果然很漂亮 還有很多妹!!
It seems that I had too much fun in March.......hmm.....it's not the end yet I hope~!
I went watching the night of the department of agricultural economy...................to put something into an end.
Did I succeed in doing so?
I don't really know but I hope I did..........let bygones by bygones.
March is gonna end while I haven't finished one homework that was due last semester......:S
Anyway it's time to welcome April first.
So on facebook I got married and successfully hooked some people.
It's just an April fool's day joke; why so serious? :P
恩 就這樣 吧 we have our own lives.
- Mar 21 Sun 2010 10:45
The rest of March, 2010