
The midterm score of Engineering Graphics was announced today.

The worse than misery...

My efforts on this subjects is still not enough, I believe.

The midterm score of architecture arrangement and management was also pronounced.

And I've done a pretty god job this time, which proves that I can achieve high school with hard work.

As celebration, I went to an Japanese style pork chip restaurant which serves unlimited rice and salad and is now on sale to have a big meal.

However, everytime after I ate this restaurant I would have to go to the restroom within an hour....

Maybe there's something wrong with the food.

I went motorcycle riding in the mountains tonight to see the fireworms.

They are at a secret spot only known by NTU Motor club XD.

Though the lights of the fireworms is lovely, I didn't stay too long since I was along- the place is sort of scaring when the surroundings are all black in the mountains.

I need someone's company next time @@"

On our way back, we rested in front of a convenience store and an insane cup intended to fine us for illeaglly parking since there's red line in front of the convenience store.


That is F**king ridiculous......there's a vendor right across the road and there were also "illeaglly parking" cars!

Then we went to a parking lot to practice the riding skill, where we also saw cups....

DSC00949.JPG DSC00954.JPG

It's a day of cups....and I hate them!

But I had fun riding tonight.

工圖爛成績 嘖嘖...


豬排吃到飽 回來果然又拉肚子...



機車警察= =


    創作者 咖摸 的頭像

    Live loose, don't lose!

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