This morning Yali found that her bags were stolen.
We thought it was human but later we knew it was taken by the bears since her bags were found outside and being torn.
There are really bears here!!!!
So scary!!
Luckily what we heard two days ago was simply human being rather than a real bear.
But Andy said that he saw one last night.
How scary that is!!
And despite we said about going to glacier point this morning to watch the whole view of Yosemite Valley, I couldn't help but stayed in the warm bedquilt and didn't go with them.'s my choice not to go with them, and I was actually quite regret about that....I should have gone with them!!
Many students went bicycle riding around the valley today.
But I went on another tour.
We had a bus ride around the ticket- much easier than the bicycle riding.....XD
The bus went around the valley and stopped at some beautiful sites.
So we took pictures there of course.
I can't find other words rather than beautiful and gorgeous to describe the view here!!
It's just..... fantastic and amazing!!!
And in the afternoon everyone went swimming!!
However, the water was also freezing here so that there's no bikini spicy girls as I expected......
Great courage is required here to jump into the water!!
But still lots of fun, of course.
And Toshiya and I lost track of others when they went camp fire- I just went to the restroom and found them all gone!!!
It's the second time today..... the first time is when everyone went swimming.....
So when I arrrived, they already swam to the other side of the river!!!
But the same thing just happened again with in four hours........
How stupid I am!!!
Didn't know where to go to find others, we just headed back to our tent, hoping that someone would noticed us being disappeared and found us.
Luckily, it was Xxavier!!!
He found us and took us to the campfire.
It's really great to see others again!!!
We played a game tonight that everyone made a circle.
And some students went inside the circle and tag others's shoulder when statements such as "tag the ones you had a crush on in this program, tag the ones who made you laugh..... and the like.
It's really moving when I was tagged at the statement "the one who make you moved"
But...... somehow I just got tagged so many times when statements as "funny, make you laugh" least I entertained some people, right?
And I think it's really a good game!!!
After the campfire party, we went stargazing again and I saw lots of shooting stars.
Iit's hard to imagine.
Before this, I always thought that it's hard to see shooting stars.
In Taiwan, I had ridden my motorcycle to the mountains so many times whenever there's a shooting star shower reported on the news and the hills were always full of people.
However, I seldom saw shooting stars at that time due to the cloudy sky and the light bothering.
But from now, I think I won't rush to the mountains for stargazing anymore since it's simply not comparable at all- neither the amount nor the place- it's not likely to lie on the grass and watch shooting stars in Taipei.
We were moved by the police at about one o'clock due to the restrictions that people aren't allowed to roar after ten.
And I guess we might be just too excited that our noise can be heard even if we were already far away from the camping site.
Luckily the police just told us to go back and be quiet rather than fined us 100 dollar perpson as the rule.
So we headed back to our tents.
Instead of sleeping immediately, our host group gathered together in my tent.
We had another sleep over tonight!!
But Kazuki and Hiro didn't join us and our host, Nguyen fell asleep immediately after getting back to her tent.
She didn't even join the star gazing.
But there were still nine members of our family together in the tent!!
And we played a game that one person asked a question and the other eight have to answer it.
It just made us know each other better!!
And we finally fell asleep at about three o'clock.
- Oct 31 Fri 2008 23:59
08.25 day 30