It's another play day today.

We decided to ride motorcyycle to Jiouen anyway even it's really chilly due to the cold front striking Taiwan these couple of days.


咖摸 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()'s already the end of 2008 now......

it's an amazing year...

I almost got kicked out of NTU when summer starts.

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I slept at school on Sunday night in onder to finish the homework and those papers.

However, there was just too much.

And I can't find anyone to help me finish them........while I certainly know that it's supposed to be my own job.

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Despite I planned to do the projects and stayed at school yesterday, going out last night really exhausted me that I fell asleep immediately after returning to the campus and didn't get up until ten this morning.

And I went to the students' lounge to discuss the final paper at the class of foundation engineering.

It's really a semester full of papers and discussions....

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